Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Hispar Expedition

Ref: 17/42
June 2017
Peter Thompson and Aiden Laffey
The attempted first ascent of Machu, a 6630m peak in the Hunza Valley of the Pakistan Karakorum, by either the SW or W ridges from the Machu valley, or by the SE ridge from the Chaghuta valley. From a Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

APEX 5 – Altitude Research Expedition

Ref: 17/20
June 2017
University of Edinburgh
This was the latest in a series of scientific expeditions carrying out research into aspects of the human response to hypoxia. Blood samples were taken from a large team of student volunteers before a Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Gasherbrum IV Expedition

Ref: 17/15
June - July 2017
Bruce Normand, Billy Pierson and Marcos Costa
An attempt of a new route on the E face of Gasherbrum IV (7925m). From base camp twelve days were spent setting up a series of three camps on the route. The climb from camp two to camp three involved Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Gorakh Himal Expedition

Ref: 17/04
May 2017
Jim Fotheringham, Nick Colton, Luke Hughes and Julian Freeman-Attwood
An expedition to visit a remote part of the Gorakh Himal on the border between Nepal and Tibet, and to make the first ascent of an unclimbed 6,000m peak in the Gorakh or Kangla Himal. After an approac Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Boesam Pass Expedition

Ref: 17/11
May - July 2017
Tim Seers, James Lawson and Will Smith
The original objective was Yashkuk Sar II in the Chapursan valley, but the permit for this was not issued in time. An alternative in the Virjerab glacier was chosen but on arrival in Shimshal they dis Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Glacial Melt on the Ganges River

Ref: 17/06
May - June 2017
Alexandra Winter-Billington, Michele Koppes, Surendra Badwal, Gajendra Badwal, Ramanchandra Shankar and Argha Banerjee
The objective was to carry out scientific research on the Satopanth Bamak Glacier. Experiments included ground penetrating radar survey of the rock debris that blankets the glacier, measurement of the Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Kichatna Spires

April - May 2017
Mike Turner and Miles Bright
Twid’s original partner for this trip was Paul Ramsden but at the last minute Paul found he was unable to get a visa because of business trips made to Libya. Miles Bright was a short notice substitute Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Gunung Mulu Caves

Ref: 17/28
April 2017
Dave Nixon, Catherine Hulse, Rob Middleton, Steve Jack, Colin Boothroyd, Luke Cafferty, Jon Pemberton, Rob Eavis and Jeff Wade
This was the 24 Anglo-Sarawak Expedition to Gunung Mulu national park. Objectives included further exploration and surveying of cave systems discovered in previous expeditions, search for connections Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Stauning Alps Expedition

Ref: 17/03
April - May 2017
Molly Thompson, Jesse Dufton, Alistair Everett, Jennifer Roberts, Oliver Mentz and Simon Hall
This expedition had both mountaineering and scientific objectives. They flew in to Constable Point in East Greenland, and from there travelled by skidoo to the base of the Roslin glacier. They skied u Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Patagonia Expedition

Ref: 17/09
January - February 2017
Peter Graham and Uisdean Hawthorn
Objectives were various first ascents on peaks in the Fitzroy massif, Patagonia. The team was based in Chaltén for two months but due to the particularly bad weather they were not able to attempt any Read more