Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Scottish Staunings Alps - NE Greenland

Ref: 88/37
August - September 1988
John Peden, Anthony Walker, Bob O'Brien, John Wells, Brian Duchart, Pat Duchart, Paul Thomson and Reed Sadler
This party's objective of a first complete ski traverse of the Staunings Alps from Nordvest Fjord in the S to Kap Petersen in the N along the central spine had to be abandoned half-way owing to weathe Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Malubiting Expedition

Ref: 88/31
August 1988
Stephen Called with John McBean, Raymond Duffy and Leslie Anderson
This four-man team was frustrated by bad weather in their attempt on Malubiting (7,432m) from its hitherto unclimbed S side. Their approach via Dassu and the Baskal glacier was chosen for its proximit Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Charakusa Spires 88

Ref: 88/21
August 1988
Andrew Bunnage with David Hamilton, Chris Holder, Jill Onset, Bob Pettite and John Stiles
This six-member group succeeded in four first ascents: TDK Spire, Mt Beatrice, Mt Poro and Nasa, all between 53 50m and 58 som. Detailed climbing directions have been provided for all four. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Makalu Expedition

Ref: 88/40
August - September 1988
Greg Child with Terry Mooney, Sharu Phrase, Pratfall Mistry, Rick Allen, Andy Parkin, Mark Miller, Sean Smith, Simon Yates, Alan Hinks and Doug Scott
After discarding their main objective of the W face of Makalu, and also their secondary objective of the Baxter-Jones Couloir, the climbing members of this large party reached the Makalu La at 7,000m. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

International Gangotri Expedition

Ref: 88/24
August - October 1988
Dr Jim Duff with Nic Deka, Robert Hamilton, Paul Darby, Ann Wessing, Dave Gardner, Tony McKenny, Sue Duff, Mike Ling, John Davidson, Trevor Jones, Dr Russ Cooper, Andy Henderson, Warwick Baird, Mike Goff, Angela Hawse, Brian Hall and John Porter
Half of the 17 climbers (Australian, US, South African and four British) succeeded in climbing Kedarnath Dome (6,831m), but bad weather caused them to abandon attempts on the S pillar of Shivling. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

London Mountaineering Club Expedition to Altai

Ref: 88/26
July - August 1988
Andrew Lovatt Bond and Steve Gould
This two-man team failed in their objective of traversing the three peaks of Heroic Korea, Sapoznikov and Sukhov, but instead climbed the N face of Ak Ayuk (3,650m) and also, by the normal route, E Bi Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Lancashire Polytechnic Tien Shan Caving Expedition

Ref: 88/25
July - September 1988
Dr Jim Birchall with Randy Allsop, Tony Bottom, Peter Muckalt, Melvin Penn, Kieran Phelan, Diana Wright and Keith Wright
This reconnaissance expedition was disappointed to find no obvious evidence of karst limestone caves in the Chinese Tien Shan, though there are plenty in the Russian Tien Shan. They investigated the l Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Shiwakte Scottish Mountaineering Club Centenary Expedition

Ref: 88/18
July - August 1988
Geoff Cohen with Hamish Irvine, Grahame Nicole, Barry Owen, Stan Pearson and Des Rubens
The Shiwakte peaks (first sighted by Aurel Stein in 1913 and reconnoitred from a distance by Skrine in 1922-24) lie E of Mt Kongur. This six-member party was obliged by Chinese bureaucracy to approach Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Durham University Hispar Wall Expedition

Ref: 88/22
July - August 1988
This two-man team climbed 'Sphinx Peak' (5,950m) at the E end of the Balchhish range which forms the S wall of the Hispar glacier. Another peak at the W end was attempted. Useful data on snow structur Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Huayhuash Expedition

Ref: 88/35
July - August 1988
Neil Pamment with Mike Hall, Mike Richardson and Andrew Jackson
This four-member party was obliged to abandon their proposed route on the S ridge of Seria Norte, but succeeded in climbing the S face of Nevado Sarapo (6,127m) in the Huayhuash area of Peru. Read more