Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

British Kedar Dome Expedition

Ref: 89/12
August - September 1989
Barrie Barrett with Ian Tattersall, Simon Bartram, Andy Pop, Graham Heath and Mal Duff
After the establishment of camps at 5,000m for both E and N faces of Kedar Dome (6,831m) both attempts were abandoned, the E face 'steepening and becoming blank in sections', the N face as a result of Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Unnamed Peak 6230m Expedition

Ref: 89/26
July - August 1989
Carl Schaschke, Ian Mills, Neil Brown, Ruth Brown, Mike Thexton, Jane Mills and Melodie Partland
This three-man team made the first ascent of the N face of Unnamed Peak 6,230m in the Kishtwar region of the Indian Himalaya. Owing to heavy snowfall their planned traverse of the peak was abandoned a Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Sheffield Peruvian Expedition

Ref: 89/46
July - August 1989
Simon Cooke with James Hall, Tim, Jon and Stan
All five members succeeded in the first ascent of Colque Cruz V (5,965m) in the Cordillera Vilcanota. Two also made a new direct route on the N face of Colque Cruz VI. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

South-East Greenland Expedition

Ref: 89/03
July - September 1989
Les Turnbull, Brian Hull, Phil Jumeau, Andy Leslie, Dr Andrew Collinson and Martin Dowson
From Base Camp on Tasermiut Fjord, this six-member party made the first British ascent of P2511m, but failed in their objective of climbing the two other highest peaks of SE Greenland, owing to the ev Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

International Hushe Valley Expedition

Ref: 89/47
July - August 1989
Andrew McLean with Eric Argent, David Cowell, Dr Ceri Davies, Rachel Gough, James Hart, Juliet Heath, Peter Lowe, Christopher McLean, William Money-Kyrle, Brian Quilty, Luke Tattersall, Brian Weedon, Lynn Weedon and Sara Horsfall
This 15-member party had as its objective the Charakusa and other spires. Heavy snow and poor rock caused retreat on the Charakusa spires, on Namika and on Sulu (6,010m), but a group succeeded in clim Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

London University Expedition to East Karakoram, Charakusa Valley

Ref: 89/36
July - August 1989
Wild Oldfield with Martin Kitten, Andrew Bradley, Simon Bradley, Anna Drew, Faisal Jaffri, Amanda Johnson, John O'Grady, Chris Rothwell, Keith Scholey and Scott Woods
This 11-member party trekked in the area of the Gondokoro, Chogolisa and Charakusa glaciers, climbing Nayser Peak (Ssoom) and Gondoro, Peak (5,800m). They made the first ascent of Point 5,500m which t Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Northern Group East Greenland Expedition

July - August 1990
Stan Woolley, Rob Ferguson, Iain Campbell, Jim Lowther, Ted Courtenay, Phil Bartlett, Mike Parsons, John Richardson and Dave Woolley
This nine-member group climbed some 15 of the significant peaks in the previously unvisited northern area of the Kronprins Frederik mountains of East Greenland. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Loughborough Students Andes

Ref: 89/48
July - November 1989
Ian Burgess, Ian Diamond, Steve Hillen, David Lister, Kathy Mather, Tim Mather, Mike Shellabear, Ian Woolgar and Dave Tyson
Part I: July-August 1989. This eight-member team from Loughborough spent six weeks in Bolivia, climbing in the Cordillera Apolobamba where they made the first British ascent and traverse of Huelancall Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Bath University Apolobamba Cordillera

Ref: 89/32
July-September 1989
Dave Woodcock with Dave Tyson, Sue Bennett and Pamela Holt
After climbing Huascaran Sur in Peru, this four-member team moved to the Cordillera Apolobamba in Bolivia, where they achieved the first ascent of the N ridge of Cololo (5,915m), the second British as Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Flight of the Condor (mountaineering and parapente)

Ref: 89/24
July - August 1989
Catherine Bourke with Dave O'Dowd, Ian Sherrington and Nicky Wright
After acclimatizing with ascents of Huayna Potosí (6,080m) and Ayllayco (5,500m), this four-member team went on to climb Viluyo (III and I), Hancopiti (VIII and I), Ancohuma (6,427m), the N peak of Il Read more