Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Annapurna III Expedition

Ref: 89/30A
September - October 1989
Owing to prolonged difficulties - delay in arrival of kit, under-equipped porters, difficult approach march and illness including the death of a Sherpa cook- this strong five-man team only reached 6,1 Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

1989 Scottish Kishtwar Expedition

Ref: 89/06
August - September 1989
Graham Little, Bob Reid, Dave Saddler, and Roger Webb
Though balked of their main objective, Kishtwar Kailash, by the loss of their high-altitude food, two members of this four-man party made a successful ascent of Sentinel Peak (5,900m), while the other Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Milne Island (SE Greenland)

Ref: 89/09
August 1989
Malcolm Sales with Michale Garrett, Pamela Glanville, Margaret Graham, Philip Nixon, John Shrewsbury, Belinda Swift and Christopher Whitford
This eight-member party explored the Korridoren glacier from its E snout up to the 800m contour and climbed seven unclimbed summits including P1,867m. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Hushe Valley Expedition

Ref: 89/44
August - September 1989
Paul Borgman with Simon Kemper, Jas Lozinski, Trevor Martin, Dave Roughly and Paul Sparrow
This six-member party concentrated on the Aling glacier system, a tributary of the main Hushe valley, and made what they believed to be the first ascent of Reed Peak (5,625m). They also carried out an Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Hagshu Peak Expedition

Ref: 89/45
August - September 1989
Robin Beadle with Tim Whitaker, Phil Booth, Ken Hopper and Max Holliday
This five-member team accomplished their objective of the first ascent of Hagshu Peak (c6,300m) from the north. A first attempt by the NW ridge and across the E face was abandoned, but the second team Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British East Ridge Meru Expedition

Ref: 89/41
August - September 1989
Andrew Macnae with Gavin Thomas, Paul Bale, Steve Thompson, Richard Spillett, David Cosford, Richard Luff, Ian Brown and Felicity Brown
Unstable snow conditions prevented this nine-member team from achieving their objective of the first ascent of the E ridge of Meru (6,672m, Gangotri area); they turned back at 6,300m. Some had the con Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Blackspur Makalu Expedition

Ref: 89/05 and 89/05A
Andy Fanshawe with Vic Saunders, Mike Woolridge, Rob Collister, Lindsay Griffin, Hamish Irvine, Gill Irvine, Ulric Jessop, Calvin Torrans and Steve Sustad
Though this expedition was unsuccessful in its main objective of traversing Makalu, two members made a first ascent of the W face of Kangchuntse (Makalu II). The accompanying nutritional expert brough Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Gangotri (Sumeru Parbat)

Ref: 89/04
August - September 1989
Andrew Blain with Richard Sullivan, Tony Foister, Tim Birch, Bob Dawson, Geoff Deigns, Clive Haffenden and Alan King
This eight-member team abandoned their attempt on the W face of Sumeru Parbat, but succeeded on the hitherto unclimbed S ridge, without however proceeding to their ultimate objective of a first Britis Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Shani Expedition

Ref: 89/18
August 1989
Peter Leeming with Duncan Francis, Martin Oakes and Mark Elliott
Abandoning their original objective of a NE-W traverse, this party made a second ascent of Shani (5,800m) from the Naltar valley. (See also 88/46, AJ94, 278, 1989/90.) Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

East Face Kedarnath Dome Expedition

Ref: 89/22
August 1989
David Fletcher withIan Doing and Julian Mathias
This three-man team altered their objective from a pillar in the middle of the unclimbed E face of the Dome to the Polish route leading to the left ridge of the E face. This was abandoned after severe Read more