Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

British Army Tilicho Peak Expedition

Ref: 90/31
September - October 1990
Captain M J Dower, Mr S Helmore, Captain P Hickie, Lieutenant CE Beardmore, Corporal A Riddout and Officer Cadet D Donnini
This Service party came close to succeeding in their objective of the unclimbed S face of Tilicho peak, having overcome all serious difficulties before having to retreat at 6,600m owing to a non-fatal Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

TWTCC Expedition to Central Lahoul

Ref: 90/22
September - October 1990
Rob Brown, Helene Diamantides, Dave Hill, Neil Redburn and Steve Wrigley
This five-member group abandoned their proposed first ascent of the N face of Minar in favour of the SE ridge of Mulkila. Three reached the col below the summit pyramid at c6,100m. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Himalayan Venture 90 (Kamet)

Ref: 90/34
September - October 1990
Sqn Ldr M W Palmer, Sqn Ldr S S Purri plus 9 IAF mountaineers
This joint venture of eleven British Royal Air Force and ten Indian Air Force climbers aimed to make the first British ascent of the W ridge of Kamet (7,756m). Two summit attempts were made before ret Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Nilkanta Himalayan Expedition

Ref: 90/26
September 1990
Roy Lindsay with Rob Tresidder, Ernie McGlashaw, Rebekah Beadle, Helen Jones, Mary Fysh, Paul Ramsden, Richard Topliss and Peter Green
Nine British climbers attempted Nilkanta (Garhwal) via the Khirao valley and the SE ridge. Two members pushed beyond Pt Alison, the highest point reached by a previous party, to reach the second pinna Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Ama Dablam NW Ridge

Ref: 90/23
September - October 1990
Geoff Hornby and John McKeever with Susie Sammut from Britain
This party of two men and one woman aimed to attempt the first ascent of the NW ridge of Ama Dablam, but were frustrated by administrative difficulties and the theft of their equipment. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Gangotri Expedition

Ref: 90/19
September - October 1990
Simon Yates, Sean Smith, Dr Mike Searle, Steve Haston, Mick Fox, Rupert Skorupka, John Dawes, Paul Pritchard, Robert Drury and Joe Simpson from Britain and Andy Parkin with Laurence Goualt from France
Of this party of eleven British and one French, four members attempted the NNW ridge of Shivling, reaching 6,000m before being stopped by dangerous snow conditions. Two further attempts on the NE face Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Pumori Expedition

Ref: 90/14
September - November 1990
Andy Perkins with Jery Hadwin, Henry Todd, George Rooney (USA) Chris Smith, Mike Woolridge, Pete Cox and Paddy Gibson
Members of this eight-man party succeeded in the first British ascent of the S ridge of Pumori from Kala Pattar. They suffered one case of altitude sickness. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Trinity Peak Expedition

Ref: 90/16
August - October 1990
Victor Radvils, Mark Miller, Kevin Murphy, Colin Jamieson, Graham Lipp, Duncan Talbert and Ronnie Robb
Owing partly to bad weather and partly to an accident (non-fatal), this seven- member party did not establish itself very high on their objective of the unclimbed SE face of Trinity Peak (6,800m) at t Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

ASPEX '90 Anglo-Soviet Pamir Caving Expedition

Ref: 90/36
July - August 1990
Paul Vale with Bob Dearman, John Middlemist, Beck Daniel, Bernie Maddison, Wayne Rickett, Adrian Gregory, Steve Brown, Chris Moorcroft, Rob Wallis and John Tatton
11 British pot-holers co-operated with 10 Soviet speleologists in a preliminary exploration of an extensive cave system in the limestone wall of the Hodja Gur Gur Ata Plateau (3,921m) in the Bajsuntai Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

USSR/British Pamir Caving Expedition

Ref: 90/28
July - August 1990
Dr Jim Birchall and a large team of cavers
17 cavers divided their time between the exploration of caves in (a) the Kirktau Plateau at the W end of the Zeravsankij mountains in Uzbekistan, finding three new pot-holes; (b) the Arabika Massif in Read more