Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

British Nanga Parbat 1995

Ref: 95/17
July - August 1995
Doug Scott with Sandy Allan and Rick Allen from the UK, Wojciech Kurtyka from Poland and Andrew Lock from Australia
For his third attempt to traverse the Mazeno Ridge to the 8,124m summit, the leader of this team adopted a novel approach - bicycles! They covered 152km in this way, including a crossing of the 4,080m Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Rupshu (Ladakh)

Ref: 95/31
July - August 1995
Mike Ratty with Anne Allcock, Nick Fellowes, John Lovett, John Shelley and Trevor Willis
This team had planned to explore a recently opened area of Ladakh, and make the first ascent of Thalda Kurmis (6,666m), but just before their departure they were informed that their permit had been re Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Greenland 1995

Ref: 95/20
July 1995
Ian Dring with David Anderson, Craig Dring and Paul Tattersall
This team was attracted by the range of spectacular unclimbed 1,000-1,500m faces around Tasermiut Fjord, Cape Farewell. They achieved the first ascent of Nalumasortoq Towers by an 18-pitch route of hi Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Durham University Karakoram

Ref: 95/15
July - August 1995
Jonathan Freeman with John Jacques, Dante Mantella and Simon Williams
This group of university graduates and undergraduates planned to study the geological evolution of the Nanga Parbat syntaxis, a unique structure in the Karakoram mountains. However, to their surprise, Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Kyrgyzstan '95

Ref: 95/34
June - August 1995
Mick Davie with Andy Kemp, Neil Kemp and Joanna Newton
After acclimatising on the Ala Archa mountains south of Bishkek, this team hoped to make first ascents of peaks south of the Kayndy glacier. Their first objective was an unnamed peak, but the leader s Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

1995 British Women Trango Tower

Ref: 95/16
June - September 1995
Celia Bull with Donna Claridge, Kate Phillips and Geraldine Westrupp
Sharing a permit with 95/12, this team hoped to be the first all-female team to climb the monolith by the Slovene route. Approaching from the Dunge glacier they reached 5,100m before the permanent thr Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Trango Tower North Face 1995

Ref: 95/12
June - September 1995
Paul Pritchard with Andy Cave, Noel Craine and Adam Wainwright
The NE face of Trango Nameless Tower (6,239m) has resisted all comers to date, so it came as a shock to this team when they arrived to find that one route had just been climbed by some Spaniards, and Read more

Map of Expedition Reports


Ref: 95/23
June - July 1995
Paul Marshall with Jeremy Lee
After a three-week solo reconnaissance trip to the island of Sermersoq in 1994, the leader selected the first ascent of Savtakkerne, 1,276m, as the main objective for a climbing trip in 1995. This was Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Kumaon Alpine Style

Ref: 95/44
May - June 1995
Julie-Ann Clyma with Roger Payne
Any expedition to an area close to the 'inner line' is likely to experience problems in obtaining permits, but these are accentuated when local officials are uncertain of its location. The team also l Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Hanuman/Saptasring 1995

Ref: 95/11
May - June 1995
Andrew Bett with Colette Bett, Hamish Laird and Francis MacDermott
Although a permit to attempt Hanuman, 6,075m, had been received from the IMF (and the peak fee paid), this had not been cleared with the authorities in the Garhwal. As a result, when the team arrived Read more