Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Pan-Celtic Gangotri 1995

Ref: 95/43
August - October 1995
Andy Newton with Martin Crook, Ed Douglas, Stevie & Laurence Haston, Jim Perrin, Tom Prentice and Nick Walton
The intention of this team was for everyone to climb Shivling (6,543m) by its W ridge, and then for the two Hastons to make the first free ascent of the Spanish Pillar on Bhagirathi Ill, 6454m. Dougla Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

European Tien Shan '95

Ref: 95/46A
July - August 1995
Knut Solberg with Alan Geer, Trygve Hagness and Olivier Hymas
This young multinational party (English/French/Norwegian) visited an area 80km SW of Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan, and succeeded in climbing seven peaks over 4,000m, including the highest in the area Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Anglo-Welsh Tien Shan

Ref: 95/42
July - August 1995
Tim Sparrow with Dave Fields, Geoff Thomas and Ed Walker
This team had hoped to make first (British) ascents of several peaks from the North Inylchek glacier but were beaten by a combination of weather, dangerous snow conditions and sickness. However, they Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Tien Shan

Ref: 95/29
July - August 1995
Rob Collister with John Cousins, Lisa Holliday and Alun Hughes
An approach to Kirov Peak (6,073m) from the south by way of the Terekty valley (thought never to have been visited by mountaineers) was changed to the Kayndy valley in the light of local advice. Howev Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Bezingi Glacier

Ref: 95/27
July - August 1995
Jose Luis Bermudez with Mark Gray
This was an attempt to complete the first Alpine-style traverse of the Central Caucasus mountains (graded Russian 6A or Alpine ED). After achieving the main summit of Dykh-Tau (5,198m) they turned its Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

UK Tien Shan Kaingdy Glacier '95

Ref: 95/25
July - August 1995
Paul Hudson with Ken Findlay, Stuart Gallagher, Ashley Hardwell, John Hudson, Philip Kendon, Ken Mosley, David Penlington, David Suddes and Graham Treacher
To witness a fatal accident through binoculars on the first day at base camp is hardly a good start to any expedition, but fortunately this mature team managed to put that behind them and get on with Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Saga Chinese Tien Shan 1995

Ref: 95/13
July - September 1995
Mike Banks with Phil Gribbon, Joss Lynam, Paddy O'Leary and Barrie Page
This was the fourth Anglo-Irish expedition to be sponsored by Saga. The team carried out some exploratory mountaineering in the Bogda region of the Chinese Tien Shan (or 'Celestial Mountains'). Six Br Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Anglo-American Bublimotin 1995

Ref: 95/47
July - August 1995
Roger 'Strappo' Hughes, Gavin Jordan and Dave Towse, with James Owen-Donnelly (USA).
Sandy Britain, who was to lead the expedition, had to withdraw before departure owing to injury. The remainder of the team hoped to complete a new route on the SE face of this 6,000m rock spire in Hun Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Shani 1995

Ref: 95/41
July - August 1995
Dr Jonathan Morgan with Martin Cooper, Stan Halstead and Nicholas Wallis
The NW face of Shani (5,885m) retained its invincible reputation with rockfall, loose rock and running water, so this team transferred its attention to the W ridge, Morgan and Halstead achieving the t Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Haramosh II 1995

Ref: 95/24
July - August 1995
Dave Wilkinson with Brian Davison, Paul Nunn, Geoff Tier and Colin Wells
Despite generally poor weather, all five team members reached the summit of this unclimbed 6,666m peak via its W face after some 2,000m of climbing at Alpine D standard. Sadly, during the descent, a s Read more