Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

1997 Scottish Torssuqatoq Spires

Ref: 97/28
July - August 1997
Pete Benson with Andy Benson, Kenton Cool and Al Powell
The rock spires of Cape Farewell have become very popular with British climbers over recent years. After several flights and a boat trip from Nanortalik, this team set up Base Camp at the head of Nars Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Scottish South Greenland 1997

Ref: 97/15
July - August 1997
Malcolm Thorburn with Douglas Campbell
This two-man team planned to carry out a ski traverse across the ice cap from Sondre Sermilik Fjord to Narssarssuaq, making one-day first ascents of as many peaks as possible en route. However, bad pa Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Manchester Apolobamba

Ref: 97/33
July - August 1997
Andy MacNae with Kevin Dougherty
In something of a roving expedition this pair visited three separate areas: Condirriri, Apolobamba and Illimani. Despite the worst weather in the area for many years, they achieved a probable seven fi Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Edinburgh University Mountaineering Club Apolobamba 1997

Ref: 97/29
July - August 1997
Jane McKay with Tom Bridgeland, Sam Chinnery, Rob Goodier, Paul Schweizer and Heather Smith
This group set out to explore the Sorel Oeste group, and climb as many new routes as possible. Experiencing good weather throughout, they succeeded in making new routes on the W Face of Sorel Este, 5, Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Cordillera Apolobamba 97

Ref: 97/20
July - September 1997
Bob Dawson with Dick Gasson, Jan Lancaster and Mark Thompson
This was another expedition hoping to make first ascents in this less popular area of the Andes, choosing to operate in the area between Paso Osipal and Sunchuli. They succeeded in climbing Cuchillo I Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

UK Peru 1997 - Cordillera Central

Ref: 97/08
July - August 1997
Paul Hudson with Pamela Caswell, Ken Findlay, Stuart Gallagher, Peter Holden, Ken Mosley, Christopher Woodall and David Wynne-Jones
The Cordillera Central is a little-visited area of Peru, 100km E of Lima, with a number of spiky peaks. This team found that there had been a considerable reduction in glaciation since the maps were d Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Kyrgyzstan '97 - Ten First Ascents in the Tien Shan

Ref: 97/42
July - August 1997
Loic Jounot with Olivier Hymas, Pierre Hymas, Jan Kerner, and Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu
In addition to achieving ten first ascents, the six students in this team planned to carry out some research on behalf of Imperial College Atmospheric Group. This involved measuring UV-B radiation wit Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Sheffield Karakoram 1997

Ref: 97/40
June - August 1997
Mark Harris with Richard Garnett, Dean Grindell and Oliver Howard
This team visited the Choktoi Glacier with the intention of making first ascents of as many peaks as possible. They were successful in climbing a subsidiary summit, 5,800m, of the Biacherai Towers by Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Scottish-Australian Broad Peak 97

Ref: 97/38
June - August 1997
Rick Allen with Andrew Lock of Australia
Although thoroughly investigated by Kurtyka and Kukuczka in 1980, the S Ridge of Broad Peak, 8,047m, still awaits its first ascent. This duo hoped to attempt it last year, but were refused a permit. A Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Pinnacle Club 1997 Karakoram

Ref: 97/25
June - July 1997
Annabelle Barker with Pru Cartwright, Margaret Clennett, Sally Macintyre and Sue Williscroft
When climbing nearby in 1986, the leader spotted an attractive unnamed peak near to Shuwert in Shimshal, and determined to return to locate and climb it. This expedition was the result. Unfortunately Read more