Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Parbati South West Ridge

Ref: 00/25
August - September 2000
Olly Sanders with Martin Chester and Iain Peter
At least three previous expeditions have attempted the SW Ridge of Parbati South (aka Pt. 6128) in the Kullu without success. This team researched the 800m route carefully and felt that - given reason Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Cymru/Bolivia Quimsa Cruz 2000

Ref: 00/27
August 2000
Mike Rosser with Sharon Abbott, Brian Cummins, Wayne Gladwin, John James and Paul Westwood
This team succeeded in putting up 10 new rock routes (50 to 200m and 4B to 5C) on Cerro Taruca Umana, 4,900m, and making first ascents of three peaks, c.5,000m, in the Cerro Achuma range. Their plans Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Hucho Alchori 2000

Ref: 00/08
July - August 2000
Mary Twomey with Penny Clay, Christine Goulding, Colin Wells and Elly Whiteford
The Hucho Alchori Glacier lies off the Keralungma, South of Hispar, and a team member who had visited the area previously felt it offered plenty of scope for exploration and first ascents of sub-6,000 Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Kazakh Apogee 2000

Ref: 00/16A
July - August 2000
Stuart Batey with Alan Beeton, Carl Burks, Catherine Clare, Allan Gransden, Andrew Grubb, Mick Jenkins, Frank McCorriston, Carl Morrish, John Owens, Darran Weller and John Wharry
In previous years the Royal Engineers Military Survey Department had organised major exploratory mountaineering expeditions to Ecuador, India and Chile; but for their Millennium Expedition they select Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Solu 2000

Ref: 00/33
July - August 2000
Dave Wilkinson with Ken Findlay, Paul Hudson and Karl Zientek
Although this team had originally planned to explore the Sokhu Glacier, when they learned that the nearby Solu was totally unvisited, they decided to explore that instead. Poor weather foiled their at Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Tibet 2000

Ref: 00/22
July - August 2000
Dr Charles Clarke (with Pasang Choephel, Sesum Dhargye and Gyatso Tsultrem from Tibet
Having already explored the northern, eastern and western approaches to Sepu Kangri in the Eastern Nyenchen Tanglha as part of 96/17, 97/31 and 98/44, Clarke was keen to explore the southern side, and Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Thumbnail 2000

Ref: 00/35
July - August 2000
Ian Parnell with Ben Bransby, Matt Dickinson and Gareth Parry, plus Matthew Bransby and Sandy Ogilvie in support
The 1,300m E Face of Agdlerussakasit, 1,763m - aka 'The Thumbnail' - rises straight out of Torssuqatoq Sound with no foreshore, and has been described as 'the world's biggest sea-cliff'. This team ach Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British American South Greenland 2000

Ref: 00/20
July - August 2000
Jim Lowther with Chris Bonington, Rob Ferguson and John Porter from England, Graham Little and Scott Muir from Scotland and Mark Richey and Mark Wilford from USA
Climbing in strictly national parties, between them this team achieved 13 first ascents on 12 unclimbed peaks between 1,112m and 1,948m in areas to the north of Kangikitsoq Fjord and to the east of Ka Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Eastern Torssuqatoq Spires 2000

Ref: 00/11
July - September 2000
Jonathan Bracey with Vicky Barratt, Virginia Cooper, Matt Goode, Charlotte Mainwaring, Steve Powell, Alex Messenger and Ian Renshaw
Despite delays at the start of this expedition due to prolonged periods of rain, and assisting 00/35, this expedition achieved not only its primary aim of the first ascent of Whaleback Peak, c.1,200m, Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Patagonia Winter 2000 Crazy Gringos

Ref: 00/36
July - August 2000
Andy Kirkpatrick with Richard Cross
This team hoped to make several first winter ascents, particularly of Torre Egger, c.2,850m, probably via a new route on its E Face. However, once in the field, deep snow made them realise that more m Read more