Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Obra Valley 5,000m Peaks 2008

Ref: 08/05A
September - October 2008
Derek Buckle, Toto Gronlund, Martin Scott & Bill Thurston
When their plans for a return trip to Nyenchen Tanglha had to be abandoned due to the Chinese ban on trips to Tibet, this team was fortunately able to select this alternative destination in the Wester Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Chimanta 2008

Ref: 08/26
September 2008
Anne & John Arran
For this year’s exploration of the tepuis of Venezuela, this pair chose the more remote steep rock walls of Chimanta (2700m), formed from a very hard type of sandstone, some of the oldest in the world Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Darwin Range 2008

Ref: 08/15
September 2008
Simon Yates & Andy Parkin
After failing to set foot on Monte Frances (2200m) during an attempt in 2007 (MEF 07/10) due to adverse winds and weather, this team returned to have another go. After sailing from Ushuaia to Caleta O Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Oxford University Tien Shan 2008

Ref: 08/20
August - September 2008
Ben Sutton, David Jorden, Chris Lloyd, George Margerison & Tom Sutherland
This team planned to explore and make alpine-style ascents from the Cholokkanchigai valley in the south-east corner of the Borkoldoy range, but when they arrived in Kyrgyzstan, they discovered that th Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Elbrus Dragon 2008

Ref: 08/12
July - August 2008
Nick Cochand, Sabina Aziz, Prof Damian Bailey, Jon Bailey, Sarah Buszard, Peter Davies, Kevin Evans, Rhodri Evans, Sam Harrison, Ian Lane, Sile Murphy, Jamie Naughton, Jo Organ, Alex Patau, Caroline Taylor, Cicely Warren, Ross Whitehead, Mike Wild & Dr Richard Wise
This was a group of healthy volunteers from Swansea and Cardiff universities (including doctors and medical students) who planned to undergo simple non-invasive tests before, during and after an ascen Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Ethnobotany Nepal Himalaya 2008

Ref: 08/11
July - September 2008
Paul Egan, Carol-Ann Cunningham, Marloes Eeftens & Cearúil Swords
Working in conjunction with Tribhuvan University (Kathmandu), this multi-national group of scientists from the University of Aberdeen (one UK, two Irish and one Dutch) carried out a multi-disciplinary Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Tasermiut Fjord 2008

Ref: 08/13
July - August 2008
Ged Desforges, Dan McManus, Tom Spreyer, Tony Stone, Es Tresidder, James Vybiral & Ruben Gutzat
This team hoped to establish high standard alpine big wall routes in the Cape Farewell area, in particular on the 500m-600m west faces of the Minster (1940m) and Cathedral (2030m). However, on accessi Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Pompey - Eastern Blanca - Peru 08

Ref: 08/24
July - August 2008
Ken Findlay, Kieran O’Sullivan, Brian Swales & Keith Waddell
In 2006, Paul Hudson made a solo reconnaissance trip (MEF 06/14) into the Eastern Cordillera Blanca of Peru which proved that there was still much left to explore: as a direct result, this team hoped Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

New Zealand Harturtay

Ref: 08/04
June - August 2008
Paul Hersey, Graham Zimmerman & Yewjin Tan
These strong technical climbers planned to make the first attempt on the steep west face of Harturtay (5,127m) in the Schurovkovo Valley in SW Kyrgyzstan. However, when they saw the face for themselve Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

UK-Canadian Distaghil Sar 2008

Ref: 08/19A
June - July 2008
Bruce Normand, Ben Cheek, Peter Thompson & Don Bowie
Distaghil Sar (7,883m) in the Hispar Range of Pakistan has had four previous ascents; this team hoped to make the first ascent of its north ridge. The one previous attempt on the ridge had been stoppe Read more