Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

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Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports

Oxford Univ Chitral 1958

Ref: 58/AF
Exploration and an attempt to climb Saraghrar Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Wye College Icelandic 1958

Ref: 58/AE
July - September 1958
Alec Forsyth, Richard 'Dickie' Dight, Peter England, Christopher Wood, John Gray, Robin Mackenzie, Andrew Nowell and Robert Savory
A team of eight from Wye College travelled to Iceland via boat with the aim of collecting botanical samples and their associated soil for scientific research. They surveyed three sites: one in the Ala Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports

Edinburgh Andean 1958

Ref: 58/AC
July - August 1958
Dr. Hugh Simpson, William Wallace, Miss Myrtle L. Emslie, Dr. Derek Fabian with Henri Chanzy and Yves Merle d’Aubigné from France
The expedition spent a week conducting physiological research in the Cochas range of the Cordillera Central after which they made the first ascents of three peaks. Wallace and Emslie made the first as Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

1958 Sherborne Kulu-Spiti

Ref: 58/AB
J. G. G. Stephenson, D. T. Osselton, J. M. Stopford, and J. P. O’F. Lynam
This expedition set out to find a route up the valley above Losar leading to Gyundi and from there to the Bara Shigri. Here they hoped to attempt a number of unclimbed peaks. The route was opened succ Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British-Pakistani Forces Himalayan 1958

Ref: 58/AA
May - 1958
Capt. Michael E. B. Banks, Lt. Com. R. F. Brooke, Lt. T. W. Patey, Capt. R. N. Grant, Capt. E. J. E. Mills, Capt. W. M. M. Deacock, Fl. Lt. J. R. Sims, Capt. Mohammad Shah Khan, and Capt. Raja Mohammad Aslam
Building on the experience of the 1956 British-American Karakoram Expedition, this party established a series of camps up Rakaposhi's (7788m) south-west spur to a height of 23,000 feet. From here, Bro Read more

Map of Expedition Reports