Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Hong Kong MC Snow Mountains of West Irian

Ref: 72/BG
Ascents of Carstenz Pyramid, Idenburg Top and others Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Cambridge Schuchert 1972

Ref: 72/BF
July - September 1972
F. Alayne Street, Christa Stock, Kate Tomlinson, Sheila Brookes, Sue Wrenn and Clare Blinch
Despite a late snow melt, unusually high meltwater conditions and some days lost to poor weather, this expedition, based in Schuchert Dal, succeeded in carrying out its planned scientific research. Th Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports

Nottingham University Hindu Kush 1972

Ref: 72/AK
July - August 1972
Peter Boardman, William Church, Chris FitzHugh, Dr. Oliver Stansfield, Dr. Margaret Stansfield, Bob Watson and Martin Wragg
The team made several first ascents in the area, including the the north face of Koh-i-Khaaik (5860m) and the north face of Koh-i-Mondi (6248m), along with a number of other routes on lower peaks. The Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Imperial College Peruvian Andes Expedition 1972

Ref: 72/AJ
June - September 1972
Roger J Bowser, Lloyd W Tunbridge, Julian MH Coward, Geoffrey Wadge, Mary J Coward and John A Walkington
This expedition set out in the hopes of locating and surveying previously undocumented caves around La Oroya and Palcamayo in Peru. They had most success around Palcamayo where they successfully locat Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Imperial College Cordillera Real Expedition 1972

Ref: 72/AH
June - August 1972
Paul D Bunting, Bruce W Hooker, Neville P Jordison, Paul J McCartney, Stephen Ridgill, David P Steel, Roger Scull and Richard W Wroot
After making their way to La Paz, the expedition hired a lorry to take them across the Altoplano and on to the village of Cooco, where they hired porters and llamas for the onward journey to base camp Read more

Map of Expedition Reports