Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Chamlang 1991

Ref: 91/20
September - October 1991
Andrew Knight, Andrew Pollard, David Collier, Carolyn Knight, Richard Hancock, Dave Gwynne-Jones, Angus Andrew, Neil Howells, Peter Pollard, Ngatemba Sherpa, Ratnakumar Tamang, Ngawang Sherpa and June
Four climbers of the six-member team made a successful first British ascent of Chamlang from the Hongu valley by the long and interesting S ridge. (See article 'Big Bird Flapping Wings'.) Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Saga Himalayan Expedition to Jaonli

Ref: 91/11
September - November 1991
Mike Banks, Richard Brooke, Jim Milledge and Mike Westmacott from Britain, Joss Lynam and Paddy O'Leary from Ireland, C. P. Ravichandra, chewing Thunder and Biru from India
This six-member team (five over 60) attempted the unclimbed E side of Jaonli (6,632m). Two climbers reached 21,000ft on the S ridge, turning back at a point where the earthquake on the night of Octobe Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Masherbrum Expedition

Ref: 91/23
August - September 1991
Of nine climbers only four acclimatised properly and of these only two reached Camp 4A (6,500m) on Masherbrum (7,821m), retreating owing to bad storm conditions. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Masherbrum II Expedition

Ref: 91/19
August - September 1991
Mark Miller with Vic Radials, Miguel Helft, Graham Lips, Christine Patterson, Ewen Todd, Rob Spencer, Duncan Talbot, Andy Mayers, Mark Neave, Norman Croucher, Teresa Booth, Dave Little and Ian Swarbrick
This I4-member team succeeded in the first British ascent of Masherbrum II (c7,200m) from the Bolux glacier by the SE ridge. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Great Karakoram Expedition (Ultar)

Ref: 91/18
August - September 1991
Julian Atwood with Michael Fowler, Kees t'Hooft, Caradog Jones, Victor Saunders and Stephen Sustad
This strong six-member team set out to make the first ascent of Ultar I (7,388m), an unclimbed peak overlooking the Hunza valley. Attempts via the S ridge and the SE face failed when a broken crampon Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Shingkhang Expedition

Ref: 91/42
August - September 1991
Andrea Clare Stimson and Montserrat Salas
This team of two women abandoned an attempt on Shingkhang (5,900m) at the head of the Aling glacier off the Hushe valley, owing to dangerous collapsing seracs, in favour of an attempt on Crown Peak an Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

New Zealand Alpine Club Kulu Centennial

Ref: 91/14
August - October 1991
Donald French with Peter Barnes, Nicholas Brown, Dr Murry Cave, Dr Moira Collins, Robin Gurr, Christopher Hoare, Christopher Jackson, David King, Robin McBrearty, Kenneth Mitchell, Diana Munster, Michael Peat, Roger Redmayne, Neil Sheerin, Darryl Steel, Erica Steele and Clinton Wadesworth
This 18-member party had as its objectives Papsura (6,451m), Devachan (6,187m) and Sentinel (5,939m) at the head of the Tos Nullah. Devachan and Sentinel (by W ridge) were climbed but the attempt on P Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Bhrigupanth Expedition

Ref: 91/26
August - October 1991
Ian Dring with Martin Moran, Kevin O'Neale and Martin Welch
This four-man team succeeded in the first ascent of the NE face of Bhrigupanth (Gangotri) to a point (c6,570m) within 200m of the summit. They went on to make the first ascent of Bhrigu Pathar (6,038m Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Andean Volcanoes Expedition

Ref: 91/08
July - September 1991
Graham Little and Adrian Baker,
This two-man team made a winter ascent of Licancabur (5,916m), via the E spur, and went on to climb Volcan Simbad (5,924m), Cerro de Pili (6,046m), Volcan Lascar (5,641m), and Ojos del Salado (6,885m) Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

South-East Greenland Traverse

Ref: 91/03
July - August 1991
Les Turnbull, Jim Fisher and two others
This proposed traverse was abandoned as a result of the collapse of one member who had to be evacuated from four days out on the ice cap from Sangmileq Fjord. Read more