Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Scottish Bersaerkertinde Expedition

Ref: 92/21
July 1992
Stan Pearson with Grahame Nicole, Ian Stevens and Noel Williams
This four-man team's objectives, the N face of Bersaerkertinde and the NE face of Attilaborgen were foiled by deep soft snow and fast-running rivers. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Broad Peak Traverse

Ref: 92/13
June - July 1992
Roger Payne with Julie-Ann Clyma, Iain Peter, Libby Peter, Allen Fyffe, Martin Hair, Alison Walton and Captain Abaid Ullah Baig
Early monsoon conditions with severe avalanche risk frustrated this strong six-member team from achieving their objective of climbing the SW face of Broad Peak (8,047m). Three attempts at the summit w Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Scottish Nanga Parbat Expedition

Ref: 92/12
June - July 1992
Petr Long with Ali Kellas, Des Rubens, Geoff Cohen and Barry Owen
This five-member team attempted an ascent of Nanga Parbat by the Mummery Rib on the Diamir face. They abandoned the Mummery Rib in favour of the Kinshofer route, reaching 7,200m before health problems Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Southampton University Bolivian Expedition

Ref: 92/23
June - August 1992
Ade Miller, Ian Farmer, Vivek Kulkami, Steve Phillips, Shona MacKenzie and Rob Weight
The initial aim of this six-member team, to climb Huanacuni (5,789m) by a new route, was abandoned; but they made first British ascents of Huanacuni Eastward (5 500m) and of six or seven other peaks o Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Indian British Panch Chuli Expedition

Ref: 92/11
May - June 1992
Harish Kapadia with Chris Bonington
Six Indian and six British climbers succeeded in climbing peaks in the Panch Chuli massif, approaching it from the west. Panch Chuli II (6,904m) was climbed by W spur (1St ascent) and SW ridge (2nd as Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Swargarohini 1992

Ref: 92/05
May 1992
Nick Banks and Chris Smith
This two-man team made two serious attempts on the N face of Swargarohini (believed unclimbed, though an Indian party reached 200ft below the summit in 1990) but were defeated by unsettled weather con Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Scottish Stauning Alps Expedition

Ref: 92/15
May 1992
Jean-Francois Haas with Eric Flamand, Florence Germain, Mandy Wilson, John Peden, Bob Neish and Paul Thomson
This seven-member party succeeded in their objective of the first complete ski traverse of the Stauning Alps (NE Greenland) from Nordvestfjord in the south to Kap Petersen in the north, making at leas Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Exercise Ultimate Challenge Ama Dablam

Ref: 92/22
April - May 1992
Ross Ashe-Cregan with Charlie Beardmore, Graham Rees, Andy Gallagher, Paul Jiggens, Kevin Arnold, Malcolm Davies and Steve Jones
Two of the nine climbers from the three Services succeeded in reaching the summit of Ama Dablam (6,856m) by the SE ridge (normal route), being the 99th and 100th persons to do so. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Thalay Sagar Expedition

Ref: 92/04
April - June 1992
Keith Milne with Gordon Scott, Susan Grimley, Tom Prentice, Charles French, Julian Fisher and Jordan Campbell
Two members of this seven-member party succeeded in climbing Thalay Sagar (6,904m) by a new route from the south - the first British ascent and seventh overall. Others in the party climbed Rudugaira ( Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Kahiltna South

April-May 1992
David Barlow with Geoff Hornby
This two-man team succeeded, at their third attempt in making the first ascent of Peak 9,070 ft from the N side in the area south of Mount Hunter. Read more