Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Nanga Parbat 1993

Ref: 93/49
July 1993
Doug Scott with Wojciech Kurtyka and Richard Cowper
After an abortive attempt on the Mazeno Ridge last year (92/17) the leader returned with one Polish companion in the hope of completing the ridge. After making first ascents of Mazeno Spire and Mazeno Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Chukatan '93

Ref: 93/48
July 1993
Dillon Hughes, Pete Wells, Trevor Knief, Bruce Voss, Nich Wolf and Rosie Wytch
A mixed team of six hoped to climb Peak 5,753m from the Barpu glacier, but in view of continuous bad weather they switched their objective to GirgindillI (5750m), on which they reached 5,500m before a Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Shani North Face

Ref: 93/46
July - September 1993
Simon Grayson with Kenton Cool, Barney Wainwright, Stu Grace, Al Powell and Andy Fowkes
This six-man team hoped to make the first ascent of the N face of Shani (5,885m). After climbing Sentinel (5,260m) by the Ordinary Route to acclimatise, heavy snow prevented them from attempting their Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Karakoram Conquest 93

Ref: 93/45
July - August 1993
Bill Batson with Pete Kirkpatrick, Nick Sharpe, Mark Hart, Dave Robertson, Jim Smith, Dave Booth, David Whalley, Mick Carroll, Guy Homan, Brian Carr, Paul Duckworth, Dave Taylor, Carl VanDerLee, Graham Clethero, Willie MacRitchie, Darren Harwood, Neil Daniel, Alistair Read, Andy Stewart, Conrad Baker, Dave Coombe, Mick Hill, Kev Hewn, Craig Fletcher, John Roe, Ian Lamb, Chris Hall and Mike Gibson
A very large party from RAF Mountain Rescue teams planned to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Service with this expedition to the Hunza valley. Whilst many went trekking, a hard core attempted 7, Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Batura 1993

Ref: 93/31
July - August 1993
Matthew Cobham with Stone Elworthy, Andy Riley, James Howel and Dave Anderson
A five-man team hoped to make the first ascent of Dariyo Sar (c5,600m) by its SE face, but were dissuaded from making an attempt owing to bad weather. However, they climbed a nearby peak (c5,500m) by Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Greenland Sermersoq 1993

Ref: 93/24
July - August 1993
Joss Lynam with Bill Hannon, Mike Banks and Roger Birnstingl
The leader of this expedition had visited the uninhabited island off SW Greenland in 1977, and considered that it had great potential for a future visit. The four-man 'golden-oldie' party (sponsored b Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

NI Greenland

Ref: 93/17
July - August 1993
Jim Sheilds with Gary Walker, Stephen Glass, Gordon Stephens, Sean McCosker and Greg McCann
This party of six planned to use sea kayaks to explore the area at the head of Sermilik Fjord, but heavy icebergs prevented entry to the fjord. However, they climbed a number of small peaks on the E s Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Arctic Research Group Svalbard 1993

Ref: 93/10
July - August 1993
Ian Frearson with Stephen Staley, Graeme Shaw, Richard Grant, Chris Searston, Bernard Frearson, Mike Haynes and Deborah Greaves
This was one stage in a project to develop a system of Continuous Auto- matic Monitoring of Mountain And Reticulated Glaciers (CAMMARG). Eventually it should be possible to use the system in the Great Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Jordanhill College East Greenland

Ref: 93/04
July - September 1993
Douglas Cooper with Iain MacDonald, Neil Smith and Adam Hyde
This was a four-man team planning to make the first British ascent (preferably by a new route on the NE face) of Laupers Bjerg (2,500m). That route proved to be too technical, but a successful ascent Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Bolivia 1993 - UK Apolobamba

Ref: 93/13
July - September 1993
Ken Findlay with Les Holbert, Pamela Holt, Paul Hudson, Ray Dimmock, Ian Wadsworth, Sue Cooper and Ashley Hardwell
A team of eight climbers achieved first British ascents of five named and four unnamed peaks between 5,000m and 6,000m in Bolivia. Plant material and seed was also collected for La Paz University and Read more