Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

British Himlung

Ref: 94/14
October - November 1994
Pete Hudd with Ray Harris, Brian Ottewell and David McCarthy
For the leader, this was a return to a 7,126m peak on which he failed in 1992. Unfortunately, history repeated itself and continuous snow and wind caused the attempt to be abandoned at c6,400m on the Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Parrots in Peril - Ecuador 1994

Ref: 94/23
September 1994 - January 1995
Dr Paul Toyne with Jeremy Flanagan, Tracy-Ann Hooley and Jenny Rudston from the UK, with Orfa Rodriguez and Pablo Andraole from Ecuador
The Podocarpus National Park includes the last substantial area of highaltitude montane forest left in the Andes of southern Ecuador, and as such contains a number of threatened species of flora and f Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

RAFMA Tilicho Peak 1994

Ref: 94/35
September - October 1994
FIt Lt Colin Scott with Tom Barbour, Guy Beaumont, Andy Heathfield, Kev Hewkin, Nigel Hodgson, Rick Lay, Phil McLacWan, Tim Payne, Chris Rawling and lan Singleton
After a light monsoon there was little snow on the unclimbed S face of this 7,134m peak in the Annapurna region. As a result, the team faced very loose rock on pitches of VS and harder. Most were hit Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

1994 British Nanda Devi East

Ref: 94/41
September - October 1994
Julie-Ann Clyma with Roger Payne
This very experienced team hoped to attempt a new route on the NW ridge of this 7,434m peak, but an unusually dry season made this impractical. They therefore moved to the S ridge and succeeded in mak Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Latok North Ridge 1994

Ref: 94/42
August - September 1994
Dave Wills with Brendan Murphy
Porter strikes plus injury and memory loss caused by falling rocks added to the more usual hazards experienced by this team attempting the first ascent of the N ridge of Latok I (7,145m) in pure alpin Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Hagshu North Face

Ref: 94/28
August - September 1994
John Barry with Seb Mankelow
The leader has had a love-hate relationship with this 6,300m peak over many years, returning time after time in the hope of making the first ascent of its N face. This time, two weeks of non-stop snow Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Imperial College Hidden Garhwal

Ref: 94/27
August - October 1994
Oliver Shergold with David Edwards, Martin Jackson, Martin Shelley, Toby Shergold and Philip Wickens
This expedition had both scientific and mountaineering aims, and recorded great success in both. After setting up a long-term study into the impact that tourists and trekkers have on the mountain envi Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

RAF Menthosa 1994

Ref: 94/10
August - September 1994
Kev Williams with Steve Atkins, Adrian Birkett, Richard Cooper, Brendan Dunn, Jim Groark, Peter Higgins, Andrew Nundy, Richard Turvey, and Carl Vanderlee
This team planned to explore the Chamba/Lahul area of India and climb Menthosa (6,443m) by two different routes. However, the mountain had changed dramatically, making the climbing far more technical Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Yangtze Gorges Caves 1994

Ref: 94/48
August - September 1994
Richard Bartrop with Anthony Baker, Colin Boothroyd, David CheckIey, Peter Francis, Philip Goodwin, Adrian Gregory, Brian Judd, Steven Openshaw, Paul Seddon, Kevin Senior, Dick Willis and a group of Chinese cave scientists
A period of five weeks was spent exploring caves in Sichuan Province, central China. Near the town of Xin Long they surveyed a cave that proved to have a depth of 931m and is hence the deepest known c Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Admiral Peak

Ref: 94/30
July - August 1994
Neil McAdie with Clive Davis, Jerry Hadwin and Andy Lewington
This team arrived in Base Camp a mere 15 hours after leaving London, to find that their intended route had already been climbed by a CIS party. Any alternative would have involved many days of big wal Read more