Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Yangtze Caves '96

Ref: 96/36
August - September 1996
Andy Eavis with Dave Brook, Simon Brooks, Tom Chapman, Paul Edmunds, Pete Francis, Ann Gallagher, Alastair Garman, Adrian Gregory, Peter Hall, Darren Harrison, Brian Judd, Ben Lovett, Eoghan Lynch, Kirsten McCullough, Steve Mulhull, Kevin Munn, Jack Sheldon, Laurie May Sheldon, Kenny Taylor and J Walls
Working in conjunction with local specialists, the China Caves Project has been carrying out a systematic programme of exploration and scientific research for some years. This large team, which includ Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Makrong Chhish 1996

Ref: 96/30
August - September 1996
Simon Yates with Steve Sustad
Despite several previous expeditions, Makrong Chhish, 6,607m, still awaits its first ascent. This strong team made two attempts, first climbing the NE Ridge to join the E Ridge, where progress was cur Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Tibet 1996

Ref: 96/17
August 1996
Dr Charles Clarke with Chris Bonington
It seems incredible that a mountain range similar in length to the Nepal Himalaya had never been visited by Western mountaineers, but that was the case with the Nyain-Qen-Tanglha range in central Tibe Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Highland Caves of Kalimantan

Ref: 96/35
July - August 1996
Steve Jones with Colin Boothroyd, Pam Fogg, Tim Fogg, Georges Robert, Paul Seddon and John Wyeth
It was not until two weeks after their arrival in the Indonesian portion of Borneo that this team obtained their permit to proceed to the previously unexplored Muller Range of Eastern Kalimantan. Heav Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Nushik 1996

Ref: 96/23
July - August 1996
Dave Wilkinson with Bill Church, Tony Park and Colin Wells
From the summit of Haramosh II in 1995, Wilkinson saw a prominent summit c6,000m in the distance that did not seem to be marked on any map, so he determined to find and climb it. In the meantime he ga Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Latok/Ogre 1996

Ref: 96/15
July - September 1996
Andy MacNae with Richard Cross, Matt Dickenson, Adam Jackson, Brendan Murphy, Alan Powell, Nick Williams, Dave Wills and Julian Wood
By setting two separate targets, this leader hoped that at least one would record success. Unfortunately, he injured an ankle early in the expedition. In a spell of good weather, Murphy and Wills reac Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Women's Sat Marao 96

Ref: 96/13
July - August 1996
Penny Clay with Annabelle Barker, Mary Twomey and Janet Vince
Maps of the area surrounding the Sat Marao Glacier (north of Chait) are vague and confused, so this team hoped to clarify the situation, and climb some of the surrounding mountains as well. In the onl Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

UK International K2

Ref: 96/10
July - September 1996
Harry Taylor with Rick Allen, Maciej Berbeka, Andy Parkin, Mike Smith and Brian Tilley
The original intention of this team was to make the first ascent of the E Face of K2, 8,611m, but after reaching a height of 6,200m it was felt that the danger of avalanche made the route unacceptable Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

SMC Greenland 1996

Ref: 96/27
July - August 1996
Colwyn Jones with Ian Angell, John Bickerdike, Gordon MacKenzie, Susan MacKenzie, Jonathan Preston, Stephen Reid and Brian Shackleton
This club expedition hoped to make first ascents of a number of peaks in the Central Staunings Alps. Much of their activity centred on a ridge res­embling an eagle lying on its back, which they called Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Oxford University Schweizerland 96

Ref: 96/19
July - August 1996
Richard Pash with Ian Brewer, Rupert Finn, Steve Fisher, Lucy Pash and Cynnedd Richards
With the declared aim of making at least ten first ascents, it might have been thought that this team was being somewhat optimistic. In the event, despite regular blizzards, they climbed no less than Read more