Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Anglo-American Kokshaal-Too

Ref: 97/45
August - September 1997
Lindsay Griffin with Brian Davison and Nick Green from UK, Christian Beckwith and Garth Willis from USA and Mattias Engelien from Germany
The American/German portion of this team limbered up on ice/mixed routes of Scottish IV/V on peaks up to 4,600m in the Ala Archa before heading for Kokshaal-Too, the most southern range of the Tien Sh Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Karakoram

Ref: 97/35
August - September 1997
Colm Coffey with Pete Cox, Stephen Gale, Craig Lyle and Chris Smith
As the Markhum region of the Karakoram was closed until 1986, Zartgarbin, 5,850m (aka Saue Gerdan), had only received one previous attempt, and that was by a team from a British school. Examination of Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Joint North Wales Beatrice

Ref: 97/18
August - September 1997
Mike 'Twid' Turner with Grant Farquhar and Steve Mayers plus Louise Thomas with Glenda Huxter and Kath Pyke
This was actually two separate expeditions — one all-male and one all-female — each attempting new big-wall routes on the SE Face of Beatrice, 5,900m, above the Charakusa Glacier. Both teams were succ Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

New Zealand Aghil 1997

Ref: 97/36
August - October 1997
John Nankervis with John Cocks, Tom Davies, David Ellis, Kristen Foley, Dominic Hammond and John Wild
The rarely visited Aghil Mountains lie between the Shaksgam and Zug Shaksgam rivers in Xinjiang Province. The peaks in the north proved to be very difficult to access owing to narrow gorges and very l Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Scottish Himalayan 1997

Ref: 97/37
August - September 1997
Scott Muir with Kevin Kelly, Gordon Lennox, Malcolm McIlrath, and David Proudfoot with Ajay Makin as LO
From the summit of the Kullu Eiger in 1996 (96/24) this leader spotted The Throne, rising to 5,840m above the Parbati Valley, and thus the present expedition was spawned. An attempt on the very steep Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Chandra Bhaga

Ref: 97/07
August - September 1997
Colin Knowles with Ian Carey, Titch Kavanagh, Andy Phillips, Tracey Purchase, Dave Reynolds, and Chris Smart, plus LO Gurpal Singh
Most members of this 'Red Rope' expedition were making their first visit to the Greater Ranges, and selected the Lahul area of India as a suitable area to cut their teeth. The first ascent of CBI 1, 6 Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Northern Chuiskiy

Ref: 97/39
July - August 1997
Paul Knott with Michael Doyle from UK plus Justin Canny and Bill Fischelis from the USA
The Maashey Valley is virtually unknown, and had never previously been visited by British or American climbers. Hence this enterprising team had no problems in finding something 'new' to climb. They s Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Bolocho 1997

Ref: 97/27
July - August 1997
Dave Wilkinson with Andy Forsyth and Stewart Muir
From the summit of Haramosh II in 1995, this leader saw a K2-like peak to the west, and set his heart on climbing it. An attempt in 1996 (96/23) from the Kero Lungma Glacier proved that the local map Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Nyanchen Tangla

Ref: 97/04
July - August 1997
John Town with Huw Davies
Always on the lookout for obscure peaks, this year Town selected Jomo Gankar (aka Qunghoganeze), 7,048m, in central Tibet, some 100km NNW of Lhasa, and W of the road to Golmud. The lower one-third of Read more

Map of Expedition Reports


Ref: 97/34
July - August 1997
Mike Ratty with Anne Allcock, Richard Law and Trevor Willis
Although refused access to this area of Ladakh in previous years, persistence paid off, and this time a permit was forthcoming. They hoped to make first ascents of Chakura, 6,529m, and/or Pologongka, Read more