Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

British Qomo Lhari 2003

Ref: 03/36
October - November 2003
Julie-Ann Clyma with Roger Payne
Although permits to attempt the NW ridge of Qomo Lhari (7,314m) in Yadong County of Tibet were received some time prior to departure, they were rescinded at the last moment due to military exercises i Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Da Kangri

Ref: 03/47A
September 2003
John Town with Derek Buckle, Alasdair Scott and Martin Scatt
The objective of this team was an elegant 6,270m double-peaked mountain in Toling Dechen county, a mountainous area in the south of the Nyenchentangla range of Tibet, which - as far as was known - had Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Virgin Summits - Tibet 2003

Ref: 03/18
September - October 2003
Adam Thomas with Phil Amos and Graham Rowbotham from UK and Bryan Godfrey from NZ
As a result of recent exploration by Tamotsu Nakamura of the Japanese Alpine Club, the Nyenchentangla East range of Tibet is becoming a popular venue for climbers such as these, who are seeking someth Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Anglo-American Annapurna III SW Ridge

Ref: 03/16
September - November 2003
Kenton Cool with Ian Parnell from the UK with John Varco from USA
Although previously attempted by at least three siege-style expeditions, the SW ridge of Annapurna III (7,550m) had so far resisted all comers, but this team felt that the route lent itself to an alpi Read more

Map of Expedition Reports


Ref: 03/38
August - October 2003
Dr Roger Thompson with Dr Luciano Bernardi, Gaia Casucci, Sorrel Cosens, David Hope-Jones, Dr John Irving, Matt Kinsey, Ian MacCormick, Alex Phythian-Adams, Prof Robert Roach, Nina Rzechorzek, Dr Alistair Simpson, Andrew Sutherland, Dr Anna Thompson, Dr Mark Toshner and Dr Karen Wood plus a large number of 'volunteer' subjects
This was a longer follow-up to APEX Bolivia 2001 [MEF 01/05], with a group of doctors and medical students continuing their research into the effects of altitude on a large group of 'volunteers' at th Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

2003 British Kyrgyz-Kuilu

Ref: 03/06
August 2003
Robin Gibson with Martin Astley, Andy Bond, John Buckle, Andy Cole, Bill Dean, Mike Evans, Nev Croston, Malcolm Eldridge, Gwyn Ingram, Phill Reay, John Tranter, Angela Wright and Robert Wright
This expedition was intended to enable members to celebrate the fiftieth birthday of the Chester Mountaineering Club, so had to cater for a wide range of abilities. Being little visited, the Kuilu-Too Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Australian Torssukatak Spires 2003

Ref: 03/22
July - August 2003
Jon Roberts with Dewi Durban, James Mehican, plus Richard Sonnerdale from Australia.
This team of rock climbers selected the Cape Farewell area for their first visit to Greenland. A new 1,400m E3 5c route 'The Cruise Line', was achieved on The Thumbnail (E face of Agdlerussakasit, fir Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Southern Kangerdlugssuaq 2003

Ref: 03/21
July - August 2003
Brian Davison with Pete Brookes, Bill Church, Clive Dandridge, Pete Nelson, Mike Pettipher, Graham Robinson and Dave Wilkinson
A ski-equipped Twin Otter from Iceland landed this team close to their intended base camp at 1,700m in a snow basin at the head of the Nordre and Søndre Parallelgletschers. From here, in a period of s Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Knud Rasmussen Land Greenland 2003

Ref: 03/20
July - August 2003
Bob Dawson with John Diplock, Mark Diplock, Jan Lancaster and Steve Long from Britain
Knud Rasmussen Land is one of the least visited areas of East Greenland, so gave plenty of scope for this team to explore and make first ascents. They soon discovered that the rock was extremely friab Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Welsh Women's Schweizerland Expedition - East Greenland 2003

Ref: 03/17
July - August 2003
Sue Savege with Di Gilbert, Rosie Goolden and Catrin Thomas plus film-maker Justine Curgenven
This expedition planned to explore and climb new routes in Schweizerland. Delayed by bad weather for three days en route to base camp, they then had nine clear days before the bad weather returned. Du Read more