Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

East Greenland

Ref: 12/19
August - September 2012
Matt Traver and Steve Beckwith (both from UK), Mike Royer (from USA) and Matt Bunn (from Australia)
This international team hoped to sail into Timmiarmiut Fjord, and make exploratory ascents of peaks in the area. Unfortunately, due to weather and sea conditions, they were unable to sail into Timmiar Read more

Map of Expedition Reports


Ref: 12/18A
July - August 2012
Dr Susan Jensen with Geoff Cohen, Bob Hamilton, Steve Kennedy, Andy Nisbet & Des Rubens plus Nancy Kennedy
Certain valleys in the Zanskar region of Ladakh have only recently been opened to foreign expeditions, so although the peaks were identified and numbered by Japanese trekkers in 2011, none had been cl Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Rimo III

Ref: 12/12
August - September 2012
Malcolm Bass with Paul Figg & Simon Yearsley from UK plus Satya Dam, Dan Singh Harkotiya, Tashi Phunchok & Konchok Thinless from India: also Rachel Antill (UK)
Rimo III (7233m) is situated in the remote area of the Indian East Karakoram, and although the peak was climbed from the north in 1985 by Fotheringham and Wilkinson, the beautiful SW Face remained as Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Tien Shan

Ref: 12/07
August - September 2012
Conor Gilmour & Rónán Kernan (both Irish), Azwan Isa & Bradley Morrell (British) and Alek Zholobenko & Vladimir Zholobenko (British/Russian)
This multi-national team planned to climb new routes on peaks surrounding the little visited Dzhirnagaktu Glacier in the Western Kokshaal-too. They successfully climbed eleven routes, two of them bein Read more

Map of Expedition Reports


Ref: 12/25
July - August 2012
Naomi Dodds with Richard Allen, Prof Damian Bailey, Julien Brugniaux, Rhodri Evans, James Greig & Andrew Loftus
This expedition was a follow-on from a trip to Mt Elbrus in 2008. [MEF Ref 08/12]: the aim was to investigate the hypothesis that normal biological variation in dynamic cerebral auto-regulation observ Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Tien Shan

Ref: 12/16
July - August 2012
Dave Farrow with Michael Fordham, Matthew Graham, Bethan Gudgeon, Joe Hobbs, Doug Hull, Jo Smith and Tom Wright
This team of students looking for somewhere ‘more remote and exciting than the Alps’ selected the head of the Shamsi Tuyuk valley (close to the Ala-Archa area of the Kirgyz Ala-Too Range).as the desti Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Wakhan Corridor

Ref: 12/15
July - August 2012
Pat Deavoll with Bill Byrch & Maryrose Fowlie
Following her success in the Wakhan in 2011, this very experienced leader was keen to return to climb some peaks from the Upper Qala Panja Glacier. In particular she hoped to climb the West face of Ra Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Mazeno Ridge

Ref: 12/26
June - July 2012
Sandy Allan and Rick Allen from UK plus Cathy O’Dowd from South Africa
The Mazeno Ridge is the longest arête on any 8000m peak – a staggering 13km from the Mazeno Pass at 5377m to where it joins the south-southwest ridge or Schell Route, then another 2 km up slopes on th Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Imperial College Alaska

June - July 2012
Sara Arbós-Torren from Spain with Boris Korzh & Sam Thompson (UK) and Arnaud Sors from France
The Wrangell-St Elias National Park still offers unclimbed peaks between 3000m and 4000m accessible from the Fraser and Baldwin Glaciers, so was the area chosen by four students from Imperial College Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Bangor University Denali Expedition

May - July 2012
Tom Ripley and Tom Livingstone
These two young students hoped to climb a new line on Father & Son Wall of Denali (6194m) in a single push. Unfortunately, they timed their visit rather late in the season, by which time much of t Read more