Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

The Karakorum Anomaly Project

Ref: 15/27
June – September 2015
Sergiu Jiduc, Oliver James Forster, and Timothy Taylor and Matthew Farrell
Glaciers in most regions of the world are in retreat, but in the Karakorum they seem to be stagnating or even growing, a phenomenon termed the Karakorum Anomaly. The KA is increasing the region’s expo Read more

Map of Expedition Reports


Ref: 15/15
June - July 2015
Pete Thompson, Phil De Berger, and Aiden Laffey
The first ascents of one or more peaks of around 6000m above the Virjerab Glacier in the Pakistan Karakorum. The team trekked to base camp from Shimshal village. Thompson and DeBerger attempted a rout Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Ogre North Face

Ref: 15/13
June - July 2015
Bruce Normand, Marcos Costa, Jesse Mease, and Billy Pearson
The team started with acclimatisation climbs on peaks of 6100m and 6400m. The first attempt on by the full team was abandoned at 5900m because of heavy daytime rockfall. A second attempt was made by N Read more

Map of Expedition Reports


Ref: 15/03
June - July 2015
Ed Poulter, Andrew Basford, Katie Farrel, Mathew Fuller, Steve Hutton, Katie McKay and Dan Slome
The objectives were to explore the Upper SE Shukpa Kunchang and Sagtogpa Glaciers in the Rongdo Valley, and climb at least one unclimbed remote 6000m+ peak. After five days acclimatising around Leh, t Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Himalchal Pradesh

Ref: 15/07
May - June 2015
Andrew Nisbet, Robert Adams, Tom Adams, Steve Kennedy, Bill McConachie, and Paul Swienton
Exploration of a side valley branching from the Darcha-Mayar Valley in Himalchal Pradesh, and ascent of a peak of 6010m. A camp was established at the foot of the mountain, and a higher camp on the S Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Cathedral Spires

May 2015
Tim Blakemore and Mike (Twid) Turner
A trip to the Cathedral Spires with several possible objectives of new hard routes on North Triple Peak and/or Mount Nevermore. Commercial flights to Anchorage and Talkeetna were followed by a thrilli Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

New Zealand Caving

Ref: 15/25
April 2015
Rhys Tyers, Jack Hare, Tanguy Racine, James O’Hanlon, Oliver Myerscough, Cecilia Kan, Chris McDonnell and Alex Seaton
Eight members of the Imperial College Caving Club went ot the South Island of New Zealand for a three week expedition to find new caves. Due to high winds and early snowfall the original plan to base Read more

Map of Expedition Reports


Ref: 15/01
April - May 2015
Julian Freeman-Attwood, Ed Douglas, Phil Bartlet Nick Colton, Skip Novak, and Crag Jones
The objective was to climb one of the 6000m peaks of the Gorakh Himal. After an 8 day approach march of they got to within 12kms of the mountain Gorakh Kang. Very heavy snowfall prevented them getting Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Hayes Range

April 2015
David Chapman and Guy Wilson
The principal objective was of Peak 10910, SW of Mount Hayes. They flew in from Fairbanks to an un-named glacier to the W of Mount Hayes. They spent 9 nights in this camp, and it snowed most of these Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Mount Deborah Expedition

April - May 2015
Will Sim and Jonathan Griffith
A two man expedition with the objective of the unclimbed NW face of Mount Deborah. They had been led to believe that they could fly into the Upper Gillam Glacier from Talkeetna, but this turned out to Read more