Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

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Map of Expedition Reports

Ghar Parau, Iran 1972

Ref: 72/AF
August - September 1972
David M. Judson, John Allonby, Roy Blackham, Arthur Champion, Stephen A. Craven, David P. Ede, Glyn Edwards, Robert Graham, Clive Green, John T. Harper, Michael G. Jenkins, M. Peter Livesey, Harvey A. Lomas, Peter A. Standing, Antony C. Waitham and John C. Whalley
This speleological expedition followed on from the 1971 Speleological Reconnaissance Expedition to Iran and aimed to complete the exploration, survey and photography of Ghar Parau, including a world d Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports

Cambridge Staunings Expedition 1972

Ref: 72/AD
July - September 1972
PA Barron, JD Burgess, RJ Camrass, DJ Drewry, M Hancock, DW Matthews, PLC Mackeith, KJ Miller, KE Rose, JL Thorogood, AR Way and B Yamini
After travelling to Mestersvig, the expedition undertook the walk-in to base camp, arriving on 19 July. Here they spent four weeks conducting their scientific programme, which included radio-echo soun Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Cambridge Hindu Kush 1972

Ref: 72/AC
June - September 1972
C. John Danby, Martin Hore, Keith J. MacDormott, Richard C. Pelly, Gordon C. Taylor and Paul S. Wesson
The expedition party travelled overland to Afghanistan before using local transport to reach Nuristan and trekking for 70 miles to their base camp in the Schkurigal system on the eastern end of the Hi Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Brathay Exploration Group Greenland

Ref: 72/AB
July - August 1972
Bill Jenkins, Bill Grant, John Gunner, Alan Priest, Mungo Ross, Alan Wright, Rod Young, Alastair Bale, Graham Bliss, Richard Blows, Peter Craggs, Richard Cziborra, Robert Dalton, Andrew Darlington, Nick Evans, Simon Grimes, Chris Lewis, Patrick Maley, Mike Robinson, John Ronayne, Chris Scott, Roger Timmis, Dick Trenam and Steve Wilkinson
Building on the work of previous expeditions to the area, this large team continued the monitoring of the area's glaciers, adding to data which has tracked their movement since 1955. The party also ca Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Army Axel Heiberg 1972

June - August 1972
Major A. J Muston RAOC, Surg Lt Cdr P N Dilly RNR, Capt M T King RAOC, Lt J W Chuter REME, Lt P R West RA, Lt F S MacKenzie R Signals, Lt D A Malcolm RA, Lt R J Ebdon R Signals, Sgt K Scaife, Cpl B R Lane, Lcpl M Lane and Sapper D F J Lewis
This Army Adventurous Training Exercise aimed to climb virgin peaks in the Princess Margaret Range and to carry out a simple scientific programme on behalf of British universities and a wildlife surve Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

New Zealand Patagonian Icecap 1971

Ref: 71/BA
Explore peaks of Cerro Hyades (3078m) and Cerro Arenales (3437m) Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports

International Himalayan 1971

Ref: 71/AQ
Attempt SW Face and W Ridge of Everest (8848m) Read more

Map of Expedition Reports