Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

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Map of Expedition Reports

AMA Himachal Pradesh

Ref: 73/AB
April - July 1973
Sgt J Anderson. RE, Sgt G P Armstrong. RAF, Rfn Basantakumar Rai, Flt Lt A K Bhattacharyya, Lt J N G Beckett, RA, Capt M G le G Bridges. RE, Lt D A J Brister. Tnt Corps, Capt MWH Day. RE, Surg Lt Comd PN Dilly GM. RNR, Lt S. Eskell. RE, Maj J W Fleming PARA, Capt P W Gunson. REME, C/Sgt Gyalzen Sherpa, Lt Col R H Hardie. RAMC, Capt I J Hellberg. RCT, Capt M H Kefford, L/Cpl Khagendrabahadur Limbu, L/Cpl M P Lane, Maj Capt T J Lynch. PARA, A J Muston. RAOC, L/Cpl Norbu Sherpa, Maj G F Owens WFR, Capt P B Page. RE, Rfn Pasang Tamang, Lt Col J D C Peacock. REME, Capt O P Sharma, Maj J S K Swanston. RAMC, Lt T D Thompson. RM and Capt P R West. RA
The Expedition was the first of three designed to select men and materials for the Army Mountaineering Association's attempt on Mount Everest during the pre-monsoon period of 1976. Because the party w Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports

British Dhaulagiri IV Expedition 1973

Ref: 73/AC
September - October 1973
Antony Johnson, Dr David Awbery, Roger Brook, Allen Fyffe, Allan Dewison, Alan (Richard) McHardy, lan Rowe, Charles (Chic) Scott and Geoff Tabner
The expedition got off to a poor start with delays to the unloading of the party's bags from the transport ship. An advance pteam was sent on ahead, but McHardy, who had suffered following a climbing Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports

Anglo-Danish Greenland 1973

Ref: 73/AA
S Face of Ingollfjeld (2560m) Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Joint Services Chilean Patagonia 1972-73

Ref: 72/BJ
November 1972 - March 1973
Captain C H Agnew, Lieutenant C S Gobey, Lieutenant M P N Sessions, Surgeon Lieutenant A D L Hoppe, REA 2 (Air) N Francis, Captain T J Zorijack, Captain S M B Harron, Sergeant P D Breadmore, Sergeant J T Brewer, Corporal J W D Banks and Junior Tehnieian L W Skelson
Eleven members of the British Services and two Chilean Army Officers (who withdrew from the expedition after one month) explored the northern Patagonia ice-cap (Heilo Patagonia del Norte) carrying out Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports

Leicester Polytechnic Students Greenland 1972

Ref: 72/BK
July - September 1972
Andrew Barbier, Kevin Barratt, Mick Davis, Alan Douglas, Peter Ellis, Graham Hudson, Adolf King, Ian Lambert, Pete Meads and Harry Wilson
The expedition was centred on Kugssuataiq in SW Greenland and climbed a number of the granite peaks in that area. The team also studied the effects of glaciation on the ecology of the area, including Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Westminster School East Greenland 1972

Ref: 72/BL
July - September 1972
Major E. R. D. French, W. S. L. Woolley, M. C. Burns, Dr. N. N. W. Padfield, C. D. Campbell, C. D. J. Kessler, C. J. A. Lyne-Pirkis, U. J. Moore, D. J. Newman, P. J. S. Nicol, P. J. Robinson and L. A. Wilson
After initially being delayed in Angmagssalik for more than a week, the team's boat finally arrived and they were transported to Kangderlugssuag. This too took extra time due to the heavier than noram Read more

Map of Expedition Reports