Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

South West Face of Huaguruncho

Ref: 17/37
November 2017
James Monypenny and Harry Mcghie
The intended aim of the expedition was to climb the central spur of the SW face of Huaguruncho in Peru, a mountain first climbed by a team including George Band and Mike Westmacott in 1956. After accl Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Ardang Expedition

Ref: 17/38
October - December 2017
Mark Bielby and Emily Ward
The original target was Ardang (6034m) in the Humla region of West Nepal. Unfortunately they were told they could only get a permit for this peak if they agreed to take a guide, and so they chose to e Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Annapurna South Glacier Ice Loss

Ref: 17/33
October - November 2017
Dr Rachel Carr, Arminel Lovell, James Lingihan, Jack Oxtoby and EMily Hill
A scientific expedition with objectives to quantify changes in the ice surface elevation, thickness, and velocity, and assess their relationship with debris characteristics; to evaluate how ice surfac Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Arjuna Expedition

Ref: 17/16
September - October 2017
Ben Silvestre, Pete Graham and Uisdean Hawthorn
The objective was the S summit of Arjuna (6100m) via the arête of its W pillar. From the road head at Gulabgarh they walked in via Kijai nullah to base camp. They acclimatised on an unnamed peak direc Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Shimshal Expedition

Ref: 17/24
August - September 2017
George Cave, Steve Carratt, Ross Davidson and Clay Conlon
The main objective was the first ascent of a 6,150m peak in the Gunj-e Dur glacier system, with other secondary objectives nearby. After a three-day walk in from Shimshal they established a base camp Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Borkoldoy Expedition

Ref: 17/23
August - September 2017
Neil Cox, Stuart Gillan, Tom Harding, Matt Lewis, David Lyons-Ewing, Scott Martin and Hannah Meinertzhagen
The principal objectives were attempts on two unclimbed peaks of about 5000m, and various smaller peaks in the range of 4,000-4,700m, in the Borkoldoy mountain range of southeast Kyrgyzstan. The team Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Djenghi-Djer Expedition

Ref: 17/18
August - September 2017
Sally Hudson, Will Rowland, Simon Tietjen, James Cooper, Mark Chambers and Connor Holdsworth
The objective was first ascents of unclimbed peaks over 4,000m in the Djenghi-Djer mountains of Kyrgyzstan. The only previous expedition to the range in 2016 approached the range from the east, and tr Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Sumur Valley Expedition

Ref: 17/14
August - October 2017
Derek Buckle, Drew Cook, Jamie Goodhart, Rafal Malczyk and Howard Pollitt
The plan was to ascend the Sumur valley in Ladakh with the objective of exploring the complex glacier system at its head, and to climb one or more virgin peaks, before crossing to the Upper Rassa glac Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Braisvart Expedition

Ref: 17/36
July - August 2017
Paul Weber, Lauren Knight
A scientific expedition with an exploratory element, to find the best route through the Vesterdalen valley in Arctic Norway, which separates the western and eastern Svartisen icefields, and collect sc Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Kondus Valley

Ref: 17/13
July - September 2017
Graham Zimmerman, Chris Wright and Steve Swenson
The original objective was to be Link Sar but they were advised it was unlikely a permit would be granted. They subsequently changed their target to Muchu Chhish in the Bartura Group of the Pakistan K Read more