Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

1980 Cerro Torre

Ref: 78/36
E Face of Cerro Torre (3128m) Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

The Scottish Andean Expedition 1980

Ref: 79/32
June - July 1980
Bob Barton and Alan Fyffe from Scotland
R. Barton and A. Fyffe reconnoitred the unclimbed SE face of Nevado Shaqsha (5,703m). They spent an uncomfortable night descending the N ridge of Allpamayo (5,947m) but were defeated by heavy snow on Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

The Irish Andean Expedition

Ref: 79/14
June 1980
Calvin Torrans, Emmett Goulding, Tom Hand, Tom Irving, Joss Lynam, Harry O'Brien, Clare Sheridan and Dermot Somers
7 climbers, led by Calvin Torrans, visited the wall of peaks on the S side of the Santa Cruz valley in the Cordillera Blanca of Peru, with the particular objective of the 3 peaks of Nevado Caraz. One Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

The British K2 Expedition 1980

Ref: 79/27
May - July 1980
Pete Boardman, Joe Tasker, Dick Renshaw and Doug Scott
The team of Boardman, Tasker, Renshaw and Doug Scott first attempted the W ridge (on which Nick Estcourt had been swept away by an avalanche in 1978), reaching a height of 7,000m before being turned b Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

East Face of Dhaulagiri: International Expedition

Ref: 79/22
April - May 1980
Alex McIntyre from Britain with Voytek Kurtyka and Ludwik Wikzynski from Poland and Rene Ghiline from France
The team of 4 led by Alex McIntyre established a small advanced camp on the NE Col early in April, 1980, allowing time for exploration and acclimatisation, before tackling the unclimbed E face on 5 Ma Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Padar Himalayan Expedition 1980

Ref: 80/01
August - September 1980
Chris Lloyd with Chris Griffiths, Dave Hillebrandt and Chris Pounds
Their report, though late, is a fine tribute to the memory of Christopher Lloyd, who fell to his death on 23 August 1980 near the summit of Chiring Peak, at the head of the Hagshu Nullah in Kishtwar. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports

Kishtwar Himalaya-Sickle Moon (6639m)

Ref: 79/37
Ron Rutland, Linda Rutland, Peter Melling, J. Richard Toon, British and Tom Henderson, American
A 7-man Cumbrian team under Ron Rutland attempted an untried line on the steep ice-face leading directly to the summit. From a bivouac at 5,200m, grade IV/V ice pitches were overcome, but rapidly dete Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Map of Expedition Reports