Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Everest ENE ridge

Ref: 82/Special
Chris Bonington with Peter Boardman and Joe Tasker from Britain
Chris Bonington's expedition and its tragic outcome with the loss of Peter Boardman and Joe Tasker need no further reporting, but is included as being an MEF 'approved' expedition. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

The Cambridge Himalayan Snow Algae Expedition

Ref: 80/08
June - September 1980
Debbie Freeman, Paul McWhinney, Simon Garth, Rachel Heath and Paul Williams
This 5-member team had some difficulty in finding snow algae in the area south of Leh, but were able to study their habitat on a glacier-snout in the Nimaling valley; lichens, flowers and bumble-bees Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

The Cambridge Peruvian Andes Expedztion (1981)

Ref: 81/15
July - September 1981
Simon Garth with Rory O'Conor, Claire Hobbs, Ian Whitehead, Gareth Evans and Margaret Johnson from Britain
3 men and 2 women, led by Simon Garth, spent 2 months on the Quelccaya Ice Cap, conducting a medical investigation into the effect of altitude on blood composition, and a glaciological project for the Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Mount Kongur (1981)

Ref: 81/Special
June - July 1981
Chris Bonington and Peter Boardman with AI Rouse and Joe Tasker from Britain
The British Mount Kongur Expedition, organised by the MEF and sponsored by Jardine Matheson, has been fully reported elsewhere. The main summit (7,719m) was reached on 12 July 1981 by Chris Bonington, Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Masherbrum (1981)

Ref: 81/18
May - July 1981
R J Honey, E J M Thomas, S Whipple, R A Fountain, N Taylor, T G Moore, E Rogers and D Gray,
The RAF Mountaineering Association's 8-man team, under Gp. Capt. Honey and Sqn/Ldr. E. J. M. Thomas, had as their objective the SW summit of Masherbrum (7,803m). Despite the threat of bombardment in ' Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Expedition to the Ruth Glacier (1981)

June - August 1981
R E Milward, Sharp and Young from Britain
Milward and Young spent 42 days on the Ruth Glacier, of which only 7 provided climbable weather. Their objective of a 1st ascent of the E ridges of Mts Johnson and Bradley was defeated by bad weather. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

The Cusichaca Project 1981

Ref: 81/24
June - August 1981
D Drew, F Aylmer, J Coronel, N, Drewnicki, A Mortimore, V Pacheco, A Kendall, J Rowley, D Parker, P Knock, J Stokes, N Lara Varqas, P Gilbert, A Petrie, D Parker, R Lunniss, A Maddison and K Foster
The Cusichaca Project 1981 approved by MEF for the 3rd year in succession, continued their successful reconnaissance of pre-Inca archaeological structures and of the Inca roads with 5 separate treks i Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Anglo-Indian Gangotri Expedition (1981)

Ref: 81/09
May - June 1981
Colin Downer, Doug Scott and Don Whillans from Britain
A strong international climbing party of 10, including Colin Downer, Doug Scott and Don Whillans as the British members, joined with 20 young, enthusiastic Indian mountaineers at base camp at Tapovan Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

The British Garwhal Expedition '81

Nick Kekus from Britain
A 3-man team in association with 3 French and 2 Italian companions, finally attempted the W ridge of Kalanka (6,913m), sister peak to Changabang. Highly unstable snow conditions caused the 3-man climb Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Himalaya International '81

Ref: 80/24
May 1981 and September - October 1981
Alex Mclntyre with Jerzy Kukczka of Poland and Padam Ghaley Gurung of Nepal
The Anglo-Polish Makalu Expedition led by Alex Mclntyre, with one British, one Polish and one Nepalese member, made two attempts on Makalu W face, one in May 1981, abandoned at 6,800m in bad snow cond Read more