Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

British Borneo Sabah Expedition 1983

Ref: 83/04
D. Nicol from Britain
D. Nicol and his team of 5 spent 3 weeks on the summit of Mt. Kinabalu (4,100m) with the object of climbing on the tremendous 900m granite walls to the North-East. As the 'youngest major mountain' in Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

St John's Cambridge Ecological Expedition to Kashmir 1983

Ref: 83/31
August - September 1983
Mark Rothera, John Zealley, Robert Holmes, Graham Radford—Smith and James Mayers
In a first phase botanical and ornithological teams based in the Liddar Valley carried out intensive studies on the adaptation of 2 species of plant and one species of bird to various degrees of altit Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Bhagirathi I

Ref: 83/25
August 1983
Martin Moran, John Mothersele and Charles Heard from Britain
Despite sickness and very poor weather conditions, Martin Moran, John Mothersele and Charles Heard succeeded in their second attempt on the hitherto unclimbed W ridge of Bhagirathi I. With its Chamoni Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Salford University Mountaineering Club Greenland Expedition

Ref: 83/15
As Kong Oscars Fjord and Alpefjord were blocked with pack-ice, this expedition revised their plans and set up base camp at the Berserkerbrae/Dunnottar glacier junction. From here they climbed six hith Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Oxford University Expedition to Kashmir

Ref: 83/24
August-September 1983
Peter Holmes, Adam Gretton, Ian Sleigh, Mark Hunter, Hilary Holmes, Ben Hatchwell and Adrian Parr
A team led by Peter Holmes did valuable ornithological work on the Hygam Rakh wetland area and along the Sum river, ringing a total of 3,897 birds of 77 species. They also made a study of the breeding Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Kishtwar-Shivling Expedition

Ref: 83/19
August - September 1983
Dick Renshaw and Stephen Venables from Britain
Despite monsoon conditions on the approach march, Dick Renshaw and Stephen Venables succeeded, in 7 days from Base Camp and back, in achieving a highly satisfying and technically demanding first ascen Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Annapurna III - British SE Pillar Expedition

Ref: 83/10
August - October 1983
N Kekus with T J Pilling, J Tinker and R G Uttley
The continuation of the monsoon into October forced Kekus and Tinker to abandon their attempt on the SE Pillar. The attempt on the E ridge by Pilling and Uttley ended in persistently bad snowfall on a Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Joint Services Expedition to Brabant Island

Ref: 84/06
Cpl J R Furse FRGS with Cpl I E Atkins, LA(P) G Corbett, Cpl K De Silva, Flt Lt K W Hankinson BA FRGS, Cpl J Hill, Mne D M Macleod, Dr J Morris BSc MB BS, Lt S P Trathen BSc and Cpl R Worrall
An interim report covering the first of the two Antarctic summers this expedition plans to spend on its extensive multi-scientific researches. In the interest of reconnaissance, ski-mountaineering rat Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Joint Services Expedition to Brabant Island (Continued)

Ref: 84/06
1983 - 1985
Col JR Furse, Cpl IE Atkins, Cpl J Beattie, LA(P) G Corbett, Capt N Evans BSc, Francois De Gerlache, Sgt J Kimbrey, L Cpl J Lumsden, Surg Lt M Oakley, Mr M Ringe BSc, Cpl J Spottiswood and Sgt P Stuttard
The report of the over-wintering party (June - November 1984) covered the reconnaissance of a route up to 1800m on Harvey Heights, the two-week 'Himalayan style' ascent of Mount Parry (2,522m) and the Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Alpine-Style Andean Expedition 1982

Ref: 82/17
July - August 1982
David Wilkinson, Stephen Venables, Phil Bartlett, Lindsay Griffin and Jan Solor (Non-Climbing)
Stephen Venables and David Wilkinson succeeded in a dramatic first ascent of the 700m W face of Jatunhuma I ('Tres Picos'). An ice-cave bivouac near the summit was followed by a complicated descent ro Read more