Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

International Friendship Expedition to Muztagh Ata

July - August 1987
Michael Jardine (US), Marti Martin-Kuntz (US), Wilmer Perez (Venezuela), Hiro Saso (Japan), Keiichi Ozaki (Japan), Anthony Willoughby (UK), Victoria Willoughby (UK), Didier Gaillard (France) and Dick Renshaw (UK)
This well co-ordinated international team, with US, Venezuelan, Japanese, French and British members, failed in their first objective of reaching the N peak of Muztagh Ata (7427m) on skis, turning bac Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Karakoram Traverse

Ref: 87/34
July 1987
Duncan Tunstall and Stephen Venables
To mark the 50th anniversary of Shipton's Blank on the Map and to continue his interrupted exploration of 1939, this strong three-man team succeeded in their aim of going up the Biafo glacier to Snow Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Bublimotin 'Hopefuls' 1987

Ref: 87/19
July - August 1987
J Silvester and M Charlton
Although failing to make much impact on the 1,100m SE face of this remarkable spire (c6,000m), the Hopefuls produced a useful profile of the spire and analysed possible routes to other peaks in the Ul Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Cambridge & St Andrews Karakoram 1987

Ref: 87/15
July 1987
Struan Grey with Bruce Hubbard, Matthew Powell and Robert Rider
This four-man team made first ascents of Hobluk (5,360m) by the NE/N ridge, of 'The Goblin' (5,670m) -their name- and Ghur (5,790m) by the N face- all in the Biafo Glacier area. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Leeds Bublimotin Expedition

Ref: 87/10
July - August 1987
Andrew Bowman with Andrew Swann, Richard Barker and Simon Baker
After establishing Base Camp at the foot of the Bublimotin Spire, this party was forced by severe food-poisoning to abandon their attempt on the SW face. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

North London Mountaineering Club Spantik Expedition 1987

Ref: 87/08
July - August 1987
Victor Saunders with Michael Fowler, Phillip Butler, Bruce Craig, Elizabeth Allen, Dr JSC English, Dr Iqbal M Ahmed, Rajab Zawar and George Fowler
Fowler and Saunders succeeded in climbing the formidable NW Pillar of Spantik (7,027m), a monolithic feature rising in a continuous sweep of 1,800m, approaching it by the Barpu Glacier from Nagar. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Plymouth Polytechnic Kurdopin Expedition

Ref: 87/03
July - September 1987
Gary Murton, Andrew Bradley, Richard Osborne, John DeBank, Paul Simpkin, Toby Briggs and Dr. Luke Hughes-Davies
From a Base Camp near the snout of the Kurdopin Glacier, an unnamed peak of 5,800m was climbed, believed to be a first ascent. Exploration of the Virjerab Glacier area revealed other peaks believed un Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Tasilaq East Greenland Expedition

Ref: 87/35
June - August 1987
Graham Poole with Anthony Day, Stuart Raeburn and Nigel Topping
Skiing out for two weeks from the head of Tasilaq Fjord, three members of this party attempted the NE face of Laupersbjerg, but the climb was abandoned when two climbers were swept down the face by an Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Anglo-US Expedition to the E side of K2

Ref: 87/36
June - July 1987
Tim McCartney-Snape with Greg Child, Steve Swenson, Phil Ershler and Michael Scott
Two Britons joined two Americans and two Australians for a film-making expedition to the E side of K2. Though the face discouraged any attempt on it, they made some excursions to P6,812m and Broad Pea Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Markhun Karakoram Expedition

Ref: 87/09
June - July 1987
Richard Haszko with Major Asadullah Khan, Andy, Joe, Tom and John
This five-man team succeeded in the first ascent of Tupopdan (6,106m) in the Karun Koh area. Read more