Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

British Army Kang Yissay

Ref: 98/13
June - July 1998
Major Duncan Penry with Craig Currie, Andy Holman, Rhys Jones, Reg Marshall, Rob Smythe and lan Weatherstone, plus Chris Van Spall in support
The main aim of this team from the Army Intelligence Corps was to make the first ascent of the NE Ridge of Kang Yissay I, 6,400m, in Ladakh. From a camp at 5,800m, a steep ascent (AD) took them onto t Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Durham University Svalbard 98

Ref: 98/34
June - August 1998
Iqbal Hamiduddin with Eleanor Haresign, Joe Langham and Rob Schindler plus Liv Stormhyr from Norway
This was a scientific expedition undertaking a multifaceted study of the characteristics and long-term behaviour of two surge-type glaciers in Reindalen, Central Spitsbergen. A further study of iceflo Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Greenland 1998 - In the Steps of Tilman

Ref: 98/29
June - September 1998
Rev Bob Shepton with Steve Marshall, Brian Newham and Annie Wilson plus Danuska Rycerz from Poland
Before he was lost at sea in 1977, Bill Tilman had proved the practicality of combining climbing with sailing, particularly in Greenland. Following the same pattern, this team sailed - two for the fir Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

1998 Welsh Huantsán East Face

Ref: 98/45
June - July 1998
Olly Sanders with Martin Chester, Toby Keep and Tim Neill
Although it appears to have several fine lines, the East Face of Huantsán, 6,395m (one of the major peaks in the Cordillera Blanca) has never been climbed. Splitting up to acclimatise, members of this Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Scottish Bolivian '98

Ref: 98/32
June - July 1998
Tony Barton with Tony Hill, Ken Marsden, John Miller, Russell Weedon and Tom Wiggins
As the Cordillera Quimsa Cruz is one of the least known mountain areas of South America, this team from Oban Mountaineering Club chose it as the main venue for its expedition, but fIrst visited the no Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Meru East Face

Ref: 98/31A
May - June 1998
Julie-Ann Clyma with Roger Payne
Although the IMF had given permission for this team to attempt the highest peak in Himachal Pradesh (Reo Purgyil, 6,816m), following a week in which nuclear tests had been carried out, this was revoke Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Shipton's Lost Valley

Ref: 98/25
May - June 1998
Martin Moran with Brede Arkless, John Harvey, Ben Lovett and Sobat Singh Rana, with Pete Francis, C S Pandey, John Shipton [son of Eric] and Heera Singh in support
In 1934, Eric Shipton and Bill Tilman made a lightweight crossing of the Badrinath-Kedarnath watershed: before completing it, they ran out of food and had to live on bamboo shoots. Due to the introduc Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

SMC Greenland 1998

Ref: 98/11
May 1998
Stephen Reid with John Bickerdike, Colwyn Jones, John Peden, Jonathan Preston, Chris Ravey, Colin Read and Brian Shackleton
The main objective of this team was the first ascent of the S Ridge of Dansketinde, 2,930m (the highest peak in the Staunings Alps), but just before they were to attempt it, 36cm of snow fell, putting Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Siula Chico 1998

Ref: 98/39
May - June 1998
Mick Fowler with Mike Morrison, Dave Walker and Simon Yates
The Cordillera Huayhuash of Peru is an area that has been avoided over recent years because of terrorist activities. This strong team, hoping to climb the W Buttress of Siula Chico, 6,080m, found that Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Baffin Island Ski Mountaineering

Ref: 98/08
April - May 1998
David Williams with Danny Baillie, Rodney Franklin, John Kentish, Ian McKirdy, Graham Rowe and Charles Turner
This was an exploratory winter journey through the mountains of the Cumberland Peninsular to the E of Weasel Valley and N of Kingnait Fjord. By using specially adapted children's plastic sledges to ca Read more