Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Ak-Su Valley 1999

Ref: 99/30
August - September 1999
Jonathan Garside with Mark Baker, Christopher Forrest and Peter Scott
This team hoped to make the first ascents of a subsidiary peak of P. 4810m (aka Pik Boston) and the unclimbed rock pillar of Oiseau (aka Bird Peak). However, frequent showers made them look for less c Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

1999 British Pumari Chhish

Ref: 99/33A
August - September 1999
Julie-Ann Clyma with Roger Payne
Having had a permit for an objective in India refused for the second year running, this duo managed to obtain one for the unclimbed S Summit of Pumari Chhish, 7,350m, north of the Hispar-Biafo Glacier Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

China Connection

Ref: 99/48
August - September 1999
Andy Eavis with David Checkley, Stephen Clarkson, Adrian Gregory, Pete Hall, Steve Jones, Kath Jones, Paul Mackrill, Gavin Newman and Kevin Senior
The objective for this continuation of the 'China Caves' programme was a gorge in Sichuan Province (SE China), 10km long, 200m deep and no more than 30m wide, in which a river goes underground, eventu Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Transhimalaya 1999

Ref: 99/14
August - October 1999
Phil Bartlett, Lindsay Griffin, Harry Reeves and Pat Reeves plus Christian Beckwith from the USA
Another virtually untouched group of mountains in the central west of Tibet was discovered by Freeman-Attwood and Griffin during a reconnaissance in 1998: the Transhimalaya or Gangdise Range. The high Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Wales Quimsa Cruz

Ref: 99/34
August 1999
Sue Savege with Roger Barton, Mark Bramidge, Jim Savege, Catrin Thomas and lain Wright
The northern valleys of the Cordillera Quimsa Cruz in Bolivia have been largely neglected until recently, so offer plenty of opportunities for exploration and first ascents. From an ABC at 4,420m belo Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Pamirs '99

Ref: 99/46
July - August 1999
Paul Deegan with Dr Ryck Albertyn, Al Boardman, Elliott Forge, Simon Harris-Ward, Martin Hartley, Dan Haylock, Seb Mankelow, Julian Mitchell and Darren Tulley
The Zaalayskiy Khrebet range, lying at the eastern edge of the Pamir on the border of Kyrgyzstan with Tajikistan and China, was politically out of bounds from the late 1950s, so is little explored. Ho Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Karavshin-Lailiak '99

Ref: 99/27
July - August 1999
lan Parnell with Anne Arran, John Arran and Mark Pretty
Parnell and Pretty travelled out in advance of the others, intending to spend a month climbing in the Lailiak area. After two weeks with little more than bouldering due to bad weather, they decided to Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Shel Chakpa 1999

Ref: 99/21
July - August 1999
Dave Wilkinson with Bill Church, Gus Morton and Stew Muir
Originally naming their expedition after the nearby village of Doko (in the Arandu valley south of the Biafo), on arrival in the vicinity this team found that the locals called their prominent 5,800m Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

UK Hindu Kush 1999 (Saraghrar)

Ref: 99/06
July - September 1999
Ken Findlay with Bob Addey, Pamela Caswell, Paul Hudson, Dave Wynne Jones, Brian Swales and Karl Zientek
Although attempted by five students from Oxford in 1958, Saraghrar (7,349m) was first climbed in 1959 by an Italian party approaching from the east. The present team hoped to make the first British as Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Sangemarmar 1999

Ref: 99/05
July - August 1999
Allan Pilkington with Ned Blanchard, Mike Franklin and Tony Jinks from the UK plus Sam Palsmeier from the USA
This team hoped to make an alpine-style ascent of the unclimbed N Ridge of Sangemarmar (6,949m) in the Batura Mustagh: the peak's only official ascent was by a Japanese team in 1984, via the SW Ridge. Read more