Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Hong Meigui Yunnan 2004

Ref: 04/54
July - August 2004
Hilary Greaves with Andrew Atkinson, Rich Bayfield, Duncan Collis, Simon Flower, Simon Froude, Rob Garrett, Rich Gerrish, Martin Hicks, Luis Hong, Chris Jewell, Martin Laverty, Martell Linsdell, Fleur Loveridge, Gavin Lowe, Lenik Amak Saymo, Andy Sewell and Pete Talling
This was a continuation of a programme of cave exploration in Yunnan Province already supported in 2002 and 2003 (MEF Refs 02/48 & 03/49) and an unsupported expedition earlier in 2004. On this tri Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Big Walls of China

Ref: 04/51
July - August 2004
John Arran with Anne Arran
This husband and wife team were also attracted to the delights of Sichuan, their aim being to explore and make first ascents of big walls and rock spires in the Mt Siguniang National Park. Unfortunate Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Torssukatak Fjord

Ref: 04/24
July - August 2004
Leanne Callaghan with Glenda Huxter, Tim Neill, Matt Perrier, Tim Riley and Louisa Wilkinson from UK and Judith Spancken from Germany
Pamiagdluk Island has become a very popular destination for rock climbers in recent years. This team set out to make the first ascent of 'The Baron' (Pt 1,340m) by several free routes. Seven new route Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Karabiner MC 60th Anniversary Pamiagdluk Island

Ref: 04/20
July - August 2004
Dave Bone with Rob AlIen, Steve Cheslett, Ian Heginbotham, Duncan Lee, Alois Metelko, Anna Neubert, Julie O'Regan, Scott Sadler and Jennifer Varley from UK plus Helena Bestova and Karel Prochazka from the Czech Republic
This was a typical 'club' expedition, whose numbers were limited by the capacity of the 10m boat hired to reach an inlet on the western side of Kangerdluarssuaq Fjord on Pamiagdluk Island, where they Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British 2004 Artesonaraju

Ref: 04/41
July - August 2004
Neal Crampton with Clare Fennell
This couple hoped to make the first ascent of the NW face of Artesonaraju (6,025m) in the Cordillera Blanca of Peru and descend by the 'normal' SW face route, which they planned to equip in advance. H Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Anglo-Scottish Vilcanota

Ref: 04/32
July - August 2004
Dave Wilkinson with Geoff Cohen, Steve Kennedy and Des Rubens
Although this team experienced 'the best weather ever seen in big mountains' during the time they were in the area, their activities were largely dictated by an unseasonably heavy fall of snow that ha Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

NZ Ancohuma/llampu NE Cordillera Real

Ref: 04/29
July - August 2004
DR M. Erik Monasterio with Mike Brown
These NZ climbers planned to climb new routes on Ilampu (6,384m) and Ancohuma (6,427m), but due to 2004 being an extremely dry year in Bolivia, all the big 'mixed' walls were bare and exposed to rockf Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Greenland Arctic Challenge 2004/2005

Ref: 04/19A
June - October 2004
Rev Bob Shepton with Emily Brooks, Keith Geddes, Phil Ham, Nigel Harrison and Polly Murray, plus Jeremy Howarth and Tash Wright in support
Continuing his exploration of the coastal mountains of Greenland from the sea, this leader sailed his 10-metre sloop from Scotland, and initially anchored in the 24km long Kangerduarssugssuaq Fjord. F Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

University College London Quimsa Cruz, Bolivia 2004

Ref: 04/27
June - July 2004
Sarah Griffin with Jingwen Chen, Matthew Frear, Tim Moss, Ted Saunders and John Tomlinson
Although the southern part of the Cordillera Quimsa Cruz has become popular with climbers in recent years, information about their ascents is confused: several 'first ascents' may have been claimed fo Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Blanca 2004

Ref: 04/16
June -July 2004
Tony Barton with Nick Carter, Mike Pescod and Owen Samuel
The Cordillera Blanca of Peru is one of the most popular areas of the Andes chain, but still offers scope for keen explorers. This team set out with several objectives in mind in the Quebradas Santa C Read more