Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

British/New Zealand Alaska Extravaganza

May - June 2009
Vivian Scott with Tony Stone plus Steve Fortune from New Zealand
The main objective of this team was Z Buttress on Mount Hunter (4441m), but on arrival in the area, they learned that a Swiss team had beaten them to it and made the first ascent one week earlier. How Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

New Zealand Nyambo Konka

Ref: 09/19
April - May 2009
Ms Penny Goddard & Ms Lydia Bradey (both NZ) plus Kenny Gasch & Mark Jenkins (both USA)
This team planned to explore the Daxue Shan Range of West Sichuan, and hopefully make the first ascent of Nyambo Konka (6114m). They attempted the peak’s East Face from the Bawangou Valley, and modera Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British St Elias Range

April - May 2009
Simon Yates with Paul Schweitzer
This team was originally hoping to make the first ascent of the West Ridge of Mount Hubbard (4577m) in the remote Wrangell St Elias Range on the Yukon border with Alaska. However, when they heard that Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Glacier Bay Climbing

April - May 2009
Dr Paul Knott (UK) with Guy McKinnon (NZ)
Glacier Bay National Park lies in SE Alaska, and the Johns Hopkins Glacier – although possibly never previously visited by climbers – is one of its major glaciers, surrounded by the major summits of t Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Ruth Gorge

April - June 2009
Gavin Pike with James Clapham
Although the spectacular glacial rift known as Ruth Gorge is well-explored, there are still plenty of opportunities for new routes in the surrounding area. This was proved by this duo who, after warmi Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Glaciological investigations in the Kebnekaise

Ref: 09/01
March - April 2009
Alessio Gusmeroli & Prof Tavi Murray from Swansea University with Tatiana Enzinger, Marco Fransci, Daniel Hjelk & Riccardo Scotti from Stockholm University and supported by Peter Jansson & Henrik Tornberg
Although the MEF does not normally support expeditions to mainland Europe, it was felt that this work on one of the biggest glaciers in Sweden deserved encouragement, as it was utilising the latest de Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Phari Lapcha (Machermo) 2008

Ref: 08/06
November 2008
James Thacker & Andrew Turner from Britain
Phari Lapcha (aka Machermo, 6,017m) stands adjacent to the well-trodden route to Gokyo, and this pair hoped to climb a new route on the left-hand side of its north face. However, at approximately half Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Sikkim 2008

Ref: 08/28
October - November 2008
Roger Payne, Owen Samuel, also Claire and Simon Humphris & Tom Midttun for the acclimatisation phase.
For some years, Roger has been hoping to obtain permission to make the first ascent of the south ridge of Gurudongmar (6,715m) in North Sikkim, and although under a barrage of requests the Sikkim auth Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Hispar Sar 2008

Ref: 08/29
September - October 2008
Rufus Duits (solo)
Although subject to several earlier attempts, Hispar Sar (c6,400m) remains unclimbed, but this man hoped to make its first ascent climbing solo via the south-west face couloir line attempted by Parkin Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Peak 41, Khumbu Alpine Style 2008

Ref: 08/08
September - November 2008
Nick Bullock, Andy Houseman & Dave Noddings
Bullock and Houseman planned to make the first ascent of the south summit (6,575m) of Peak 41 by climbing the steep west face, then traversing to the main summit before descending via the Slovenian 20 Read more