Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

British Annapurna III

Ref: 10/20
April - May and October - November 2010
Nick Bullock with Pete Benson & Matt Helliker
Annapurna III (7555m) has always proved to be a challenge to mountaineers, and this team’s first attempt did not even reach Base Camp. Undeterred, they returned in the Autumn, when additional sponsors Read more

Map of Expedition Reports


Ref: 10/12
April - May 2010
Geoff Cohen with Bob Hamilton, Dick Isherwood, Steve Kennedy and Dave Ritchie plus Paul Swienton from USA
Although Jopuno (5936m), has had three previous ascents, they had all been via its ridges, but this team hoped that the recent designation of certain peaks in Western Sikkim as ‘Alpine Peaks’ would al Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Parkin-Saunders Khumbu Winter 2009-10 Unclimbed Peaks

Ref: 10/01
January - February 2010
Andy Parkin with Victor Saunders
Although most climbers only visit the Himalayan mountains in the summer, the winter months sometimes offer more settled – albeit colder – weather conditions. This pair hoped to take advantage of this Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

NZ Antarctic Peninsula

Ref: 10/02
January - February 2010
Ms Lydia Bradey with Ms Penny Goddard and Dean Staples
A few days before they left New Zealand this team learned that a French team had just made the first ascent of the West Ridge of Mount Parry (2520m) on Brabant Island, their intended objective. Undete Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Chang Himal North Face

Ref: 09/04
October 2009
Andy Houseman with Nick Bullock
Although Chang Himal (aka Wedge Peak, 6802m) in the Kangchenjunga Himal is reputed to have been climbed from the South, this team planned to make the first ascent of the 1800m Central Spur on its Nort Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Yangmolong

Ref: 09/23
September - October 2009
Dave Wynne-Jones with Dr Derek Buckle, Dick Isherwood & Peter Rowat
Yangmolong (6066m) is one of the few remaining unclimbed 6000m peaks in Sichuan, and has become something of a target for this leader. In 2007 (MEF Ref 07/22A) he attempted an ascent via its North fac Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British San Lorenzo

Ref: 09/20
September - October 2009
Mick Fowler with Steve Burns, Ian Cartwright and Es Tresidder
Cerro San Lorenzo (3706m) is the second highest peak in the Patagonian Andes, and was first climbed by an Italian team in 1941: it has received a number of subsequent ascents, but this team hoped to m Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Zhungar Alatau

Ref: 09/21
August 2009
Stuart Worsfold with Jamie Goodhart, Liam Hughes, Paul Padman and John Temple plus 2 Kazakh nationals
The area south of the Koksu River in the Zhungar Alatau region of Kazakhstan has had few visitors, so offered a good destination for this exploratory expedition. River crossings prevented them from es Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Indo-American/British 2009 Saser Kangri II

Ref: 09/18
August - September 2009
Jim Lowther (UK) with Mark Richey, Steve Swenson & Mark Wilford (from USA) and Chewang Motup, Ang Tashi, Konchok Tinles Dahn Singh & Tsering Sherpa from India)
With access to the Indian Karakoram largely forbidden to foreign expeditions, many of the stunning mountains in the area remain unclimbed, including the East (ie: Main) summit of Saser Kangri II (7518 Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Kara Gakar Exploratory Mountaineering

Ref: 09/14
August 2009
Ms Sally Brown and Eddy Barnes from UK plus Sari Nevala from Finland and Vanessa Wills from Australia
This team had intended to explore and climb in the remote Dzhalgal-Mau valley of the Borkoldoi Range in Kyrgyzstan, but as they arrived in the area hunters on horseback informed them that this was the Read more