Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

British Bojohagur Expedition

Ref: 84/03
June - August 1984
Anthony (Victor) Saunders with Philip Butler, Dr John English, Mick Fowler, Michael Morrison and Christopher Watts
This expedition found the approach march from Gilgit too long for an Alpine-style push. Base Camp was low at 3,300m. Though they climbed another 3,500m (to 6,800m), it would have taken at least 2 more Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Lhotse Shar Expedition 1984

Ref: 84/16
August - October 1984
Paul Moores with Adrian and Alan Burgess and Mike O'Donnel from Britain
The Burgess twins, Paul Moores and two others attempted the S spur of Lhotse Shar but abandoned the climb at a point over 6,700m. A switch to the SE ridge was also defeated by a serious serac barrier Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British SE Kishtwar Himalaya 1984

Ref: 84/17
August - September 1984
Shan Smith with Mark Miller, Tom Curtis, Simon Richardson, Harry Gill and Ramesh Yadav
This party continued the recent exploration of the Agyasol area, approaching up the Kaban Nalla from the Chenab River. Bad weather forced a retreat from the ridge of Mardi Phabrang. Simon Richardson m Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Mount Forel, Greenland Expedition

Ref: 84/07
May 1984
Derek Fordham, Graham Elson, Michael Esten, Rupert Hoare and David Waldron
Bad weather caused Derek Fordham and his party to alter their plan for a ski approach to Mt. Forel (3,360m) N of Angmassalik, in favour of landing by air on the N side of the mountain. Attempts on the Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Hadfield Allai Expedition

Ref: 84/20
July - August 1984
John Town and Shiona Dawson from Britain
John Town and Shiona Dawson made the first British ascent of Mount Bielukha (4,514m) in the Altai mountains of W Siberia, in company with 2 West German and 7 Russian climbers. The summit was reached o Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Cambridge Karakoram Expedition 1984

Ref: 84/13
July - October 1984
Jonathan Bamber with James Mayers, Iain Stark, Paul Thomas, Kevin Bishop and Robert Holmes
This six- member team, led by James Mayers, did some medical project work in Hunza, mapped the snout of the Minapin glacier (finding it had receded 10m since the International Karakoram Project), stud Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Cambridge Mount Kenya Afro-Alpine Expedition

Ref: 84/26
July - September 1984
Jacqueline Crane
Basing themselves in the Teleki Valley, this undergraduate team from Girton College, discovering that there were no melt-water streams on the Lewis Glacier, altered their objective to the channel morp Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

The Endless Holdings - Cho Oyu

Ref: 84/11
March - June 1984
Steven Berry with Steven Monks, Richard Harrison, Harry McAulay, Mat Preistman, Steven Findlay, Lydia Bradey, Jeff Jackson, Norman Waterhouse and Ned Kelly
This large party sought to make the first British ascent of Cho Oyu (8188m) via a new route from the south onto the mountain's east ridge. While they were successful in pushing a series of camps up th Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Cambridge British Columbia Expedition

June - August 1984
Peggy Allcott with David Norris, Rosemary Riley and William Wilcock
This two-man two-woman team of geologists studied the internal hydrology of the SW Bridge Glacier, and the relative dating of the late Quaternary glacial deposits in the vicinity (Lillooet area, near Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Muztagh Tower North West Ridge

Ref: 84/05
June - August 1984
Mal Duff with Sandy Allan, Tony Brindle, Jon Tinker, Alex Reid, Andy Greig and Adrian Clifford
Two pairs (Duff and Brindle; Tinker and Allan) of this seven-man party succeeded in reaching the summit of the Muztagh Tower on successive days at the end of July. They found the lower glacier section Read more