Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Perth High Andes Expedition

Ref: 85/28
June - July 1985
After climbing in the Ishinca Valley, making ascents of Nevado Ishinca (W ridge), N summit of Ranracalpa (E face) and Urus Este, the team successfully tackled Huascaran but were forced by bad weather Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Peruvian Cordillera Expedition

Ref: 85/05
June - July 1985
Jerry Gore with Richard Thorns
A major unclimbed route on the West of Milpocraju (5,420m) was completed and filmed for the 'Mick Burke Award 1985' competition. More filming was carried out on Nevado Cayesh and Nevado Maparaju aroun Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Porchester Andean Expedition

Ref: 85/12
May - June 1985
Joe Simpson and Simon Yates from Britain
Simpson and Yates succeeded in their objective of an alpine-style ascent of the unclimbed (1,250m high) W face of Siula Grande (6,356m). During their descent of the N ridge first one, then the other, Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Masherbrum Karakoram Expedition

Ref: 85/10
April - July 1985
Mike Searle with Tony Rex, Dana Coffield, David Mould, Owen Boyd, Brian Windley, Paul Hoffman, Rein Tirrull, Marc St One, Andy Starr and Attaul Haque
This Anglo-Canadian team had the double objective of combining geological work round the Concordia area of the Baltoro Glacier with a reconnaissance of the formidable N face of Masherbrum. The extent Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Pilkington Everest Expedition

Ref: 85/09
March - June 1985
Malcolm Duff with Rick Allen, Sandy Allan, Bob Barton, Tony Brindle, Allen Fyffe, Nik Kekus, Andy Nisbet, Chris Watts and Jon Tinker from Britain
This strong 10-man team led by Mal Duff made a further attempt on the ENE ridge of Everest, but were defeated by high winds and heavy snowfall after establishing Camp 4 at 7,850m. They climbed the Fir Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Yukon - A Winter Journey

March - April 1985
Guy Sheridan with Erik Boehlke, Odd Eliassen and Tobben
Guy Sheridan's plans to traverse the full length of the Selwyn Mountains from Tungston, in the Mackenzie Mountains, to Dawson was frustrated by bad weather. Only two sections, from Tungston to Macmill Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Santa Ines Island

Ref: 85/03
January - February 1985
Iain Peters with Renny Croft and Rowland Perriment
After being landed by the Chilean Navy on the virtually unexplored island of Santa Ines (SW of Magellan Straits), this three-man team spent 15 days exploring the ice-cap and, despite fierce winds, cli Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

New Zealand Expedition to South Georgia

Ref: 84/02
November 1984 - January 1985
Ian Turnbull with D Craw, P Johnstone, A Knowles and film crew B & R Brown
Based in the Royal Bay area, this team carried out geological, mapping and other scientific work on unknown areas of the Hindle and Upper Weddell Glaciers. The four climbing members achieved several f Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Untamed River Caving Expedition (Papua New Guinea)

Ref: 85/07
October 1984 - April 1985
Mike Boon with Steph Touch, Tim Allen and Alan Gamble
The objective of this 12-man team was to explore the underground course of the Nare River (the 'Untamed River') in East New Britain, off Papua New Guinea. After three weeks underground, with at least Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British East Face Kedardome Expedition 1984

Ref: 84/19
September - October 1984
Martin Moran and John Mothersele, Dave Cuthbertson, Pat Littlejohn with Joy Moran from Britain
Poor acclimatisation by some members of this small party frustrated Martin Moran's ambition to tackle the unclimbed 1600m rock 'prow' of the E face of Kedardome. Instead he achieved a technically diff Read more