Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1762 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

OId Oundelians: Tirich Mir

Ref: 84/24
July-August 1984
Jonathan Lee with Mark Dinwoodie, Harry Corsham, Andrew Gibson, Harry Clayton, Mark Parrish, Jeremy Firth, Hugh Massingbird-Mundy, Oliver Taylor, Nick Holliday, Dickon Bevington, Mark Robson, Marcus Dadds, Tim Chater, Sue Taylor, Chris Riggs, Robert Taylor, James Eves and Bill Budenberg
Except for one member suffering frost-bite, this was a happy expedition of four Old Oundelians and seven boys from the school, who tackled four new peaks of 5,400m as training, successfully climbed bo Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Imperial College Ruwenzori Expedition

Ref: 85/17
July - August 1985
Neil Hodgson with Franco Turrinelli, Neil Travers, Gavin Douglas, Ian Bobby, Jeremy Lay and Xelia Bull
As the E side of the Ruwenzori massif had been occupied by Museveni's National Resistance Guerrillas, this party had to abandon their plans for Ruwenzori. They substituted a visit to Mount Kenya on wh Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Peter Thexton Memorial Expedition to Mt Kenya

Ref: 85/24
July 1985
Chris Mclean with Andy Black, Richard Jones, Ceri Davis, Nigel Ball and Richard Pullinger
In addition to making several difficult ascents in good ice conditions on the S face of Mt Kenya (Diamond Glacier-Ice Window and S face direct), this 11- man team completed a scientific project into m Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Cordillera Apolobamba Expedition

Ref: 85/36
July 1985
Geoff Tier with Jim Curran and Andy Maskrey
Tier and Curran succeeded in the first ascent of Palomani Tranca (5,633m) not, as intended by the short steep N ridge, but by the 3km W ridge. A very mixed snow, ice and rock climb taking two days. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

East Midlands Universities Peruvian Expedition

Ref: 85/23
July - September 1985
Roy Ruddle and Andrew Ravenhill
Finding that their planned first ascents (Jurau D and Siula Grande W face) had been climbed, Ruddle and Ravenshill substituted two new routes, one on the W face of Trapecio (5,653m), the other on the Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

I M Marsh College Expedition to East Greenland

July - September 1985
Mike Peckham with Dr David Huddart, Paul Potter, Adrian Pringle, Tom Saxlund and Steve Gebbels
Despite a (non-fatal) rockfall accident, this expedition climbed a number of peaks from a base camp at the junction of the Bersaekerka and Dunnottar Glaciers, including the SE face of Dunnottar, and a Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Southampton University, Baffin Island Expedition

July - August 1985
The high cost of local rations from the Hudson Bay store at Pagnirtung limited the scope of this expedition, based at Summit Lake on the Weasel River in the Cumberland Peninsula. Sediment sampling fro Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Climbs from the Karakoram Highway

Ref: 85/33
June - August 1985
Doug Scott with Help Benediktsson, Greg Child, Snaevar Guomundson, Mark Miller, Terry Mooney, Alastair Reid, Nazir Sabir, Michael Scott, Sean Smith and Stephen Sustad from Britain
Heat, illness and arguments with porters dogged Doug Scott's plans for ascents of Rakaposhi N face and Nanga Parbat from the S. Nonetheless, members of his mixed party did climb Diran (7,273m), and th Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Edinburgh Lahul Expedition

Ref: 85/13
June - October 1985
Pete Smith with Fraser Alexander, Ulric Jessop, Teresa Lee, Al Mathewson and Jonathan Whitaker
This party's aim was to climb two of the unclimbed and unnamed peaks at the head of the Miyar Nalla in Lahul. They succeeded with Point 6,100m (marked as 6,150m) and on the S ridge and E face of P6,28 Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Anglo Indian Expedition to Siachen& Rimo Range

Ref: 85/40
June - September 1985
Harish Kapadia with Dhiren, Zerkses Boga, Muslim Contractor, Amant Sarun, Meena Agrawal, Heny Osmaston, David Wilkinson, James Fotheringham, Stephen Venables and Anthony Saunders
This expedition, combining Alpine Climbing Group members and Bombay Mountaineers, explored the S Rimo glacier, the Shelkar Chorten glacier and the S & N Terong glaciers, conducting some scientific Read more