Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Austrian Alpine Club (UK Section) Expedition to Milne Island, Greenland

Ref: 86/25
July - August 1986
Mike Garrett with Margaret Graham, Malcolm Sales, John Shrewsbury, Anne Wheatcroft, Henry Wheatcroft and Chris Whitford
This party achieved its modest objectives of crossing the Charcot Glacier and climbing four hitherto unclimbed summits of around 1300-1500m. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Caribou Caving Expedition

July - August 1986
Dr Tony Bennett with Paul Hatherley, Dr Charlotte Roberts, Nick Thompson, Dr Becky Vincent, Alan Weight, Mark Crapelle, Mike Evans, Dr Steve Grundy, Jim Jack, Alysoun Lawrence, Glenn Peppard and Olivia Whitwell
This Anglo-Canadian caving expedition was disappointed in its exploration of the Grayling River Hot Springs area and the Caribou Plateau, though it discovered an unexpected colony of bats in a warm ca Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Salford University Expedition to Cape Farewell Area, Greenland

Ref: 86/03
July - August 1986
Les Turnbull, Andy Leslie, Rob Cooper, Martin Sluce, Stas Chobrzynski-Rawicz, Paul Hodgkins, Brian Hull and Andy Greenwood
This eight-man team claimed some 20 first ascents of minor peaks (1,300-1,700m) in the Cape Farewell area (60N 43W) and the second ascent (after the French in 1956) of Big House Peak (2,280m) (Igdlors Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Oksfjordjokulen Sheffield University Expedition

Ref: 86/17
July - August 1986
Dr Anne Gellatly, Dr John Gordon, Dr Jim Hansom, Dr Brian Whalley, Dr Dave Twig, Mark Berrisford, Tristan Firth, Erica Landy, Andrew Hagger, Chris Buchanan, Ruth Thomas and Lucy Grove
Eight graduates and four students undertook an extensive survey of the Oksfjordjokulen ice-caps and of the 'Fall-Jokul' (detached glacier cones), in particular their geomorphological impact. The head Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Caucasus Expedition

Ref: 86/23
July - August 1986
Michael Fowler with Victor Saunders, Margaret Urmston and William Simmonds
This four-member team succeeded in their objective of making the first ascent of the W face of the N peak of Ushba. In addition they explored the major valleys of the area with a view to making inform Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Hindu Kush Expedition

Ref: 86/31
July - September 1986
Steve Called with Lindsay Griffin, Michael Woolridge, David Harries, David Wilson, Michael Aughey, Steve Hart and Hilary Young
After splitting up into climbing teams, members of this party climbed Dir Gol Zom by the E ridge and by the NE face, but were forced by 10 days' continual snowfall in early September to abandon their Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

St Mary's Hospital Expedition to Lobsang Spire (Second Dr Peter Thexton Expedition)

Ref: 86/45
July - September 1986
Christopher Booth with Andrew Black, Dr Alison Lennox, Mike Thexton, Rachel Gough, Steve Hughes, Brian Quilty, Chris McLean, Jim Grey, Phil App and Dr Ceri Davies
Eleven members went to the Baltoro area with the scientific objective of ascertaining, using specially designed equipment, whether small blood-vessels are affected by altitude; and with the mountainee Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Chogolisa Expedition

Ref: 86/28
July - September 1986
Andy Fanshawe with Ulrich Jessop, Hamish Irvine and Liam Elliot from Britain
This five-member party led by Fanshawe made a successful traverse of the twin peaks of Chogolisa (7,665m, 7,654m) in light-weight alpine style between 10 and 15 August. Three members subsequently atte Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

'Janka Raju' 1986

Ref: 86/38
June - July 1986
Jerry Gore with Mike Sheldrake(Shell), Julian Fisher, Terry Moore, Peter Ravey and Andrew Wingfield
Climbing teams from this six-man group achieved first ascents of the NW face of Nevado Cayesh and of P5,420 to S of Nevado Cayesh; also attempted the unclimbed E ridge of Nevado Caras II. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Joint University 'Silver Spoon' Expedition to Northern Iceland

Ref: 86/26
June - July 1986
Elizabeth Martin with Brian Whalley, Helen Boothroyd, Hazel Colquhoun, Peter Davenport, Gordon Hamilton, Lisa Hubbard, Rachel Lambert, David Martin, Malcolm McIntyre, Steve Rice, Roger Riddington, David Savage and Alyson Stafford
This party of 12 students and two tutors undertook glaciological work on the rock (ie debris-covered) glaciers in Nautadalur and Skjóldalur, S of Akureyri and climbed to the Trölllaskagi Plateau. Read more