Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

British Kishtwar Expedition

Ref: 86/40
August - September 1986
Bob Reid with Edward Farmer
This light-weight alpine-style party succeeded in their objective of the first ascent of Peak 6,230m, tentatively named 'Kishtwar Weisshorn', by the SW face direct. The peak's substantive name is Dand Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Sickle Moon

Ref: 86/33
August - September 1986
Alan Hinkes with David F Wilson
Persistent bad weather in the first half of September prevented this team from getting much beyond their Base Camp at Sattarchin at 3,440m. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Venezuelan Lost World Forest Resources Expedition

Ref: 86/47
June - August 1986
David Stewart, Daniel Agranof, Laurence Bodin, Ilan Davies, Paul Jarman, Carrie Tooth, Franceska Van Dijk, Kate Wykes, Evelyn Laurent, Doreen Drujan and America Perdomo
This team of seven British and three Venezuelans succeeded in their objective of making the ascent of an unclimbed tepui (a sheer-sided table-top), Padapue Tepui, also carrying out surveying, ornithol Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Anglo-Scottish Women's Andean Expedition

Ref: 86/46
1986 - 1987
Pamela Holt and team
This party retreated at 5,500m on Cololo in Bolivia. On the descent one member became very ill. Their camp was looted and one member was threatened. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Cambridge High Andes Expedition

Ref: 86/37
August - September 1986
Stuart Raeburn with Simon Atkins, Chris Barry, Clare McAlister and Graham Poole
Three glaciologists and two geologists carried out research in the areas of Cotopaxi (which was climbed), of Sangay, a highly active volcano, and in Loja Province of Ecuador. Specialist studies includ Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Seligman Harris Mt Everest NE Ridge Expedition

Ref: 86/13
July - October 1986
Brummie Stokes with Paul Moores, Philip Horniblow, Patrick Green, Harry Taylor, Joe Brown, Mo Athoine, John English, Pete Long, Ali Kellas, Clive Rowlands, Will Thomson, Paul Nunn, Trevor Pilling, Sam Roberts, Bill Barker, Paddy Freaney, Loel Guinness, Ronnie Faux, Tony Riley, Chris Knowles, Nigel Goldsack and Steven Ley from Britain
This large and strong team under Brummie Stokes established Advanced Base at 6,400m on 18 August. Making a new approach to the NE ridge, they placed a snowhole camp below the first buttress; two weeks Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British West face Salcantay (6271m) Expedition

Ref: 86/30
July - August 1986
Peter Leeming and Mark Lowe, Duncan Francis, Keith Milne and Paul Harris
Altering their objective from the W face, this five-man team made the first ascent of the technically difficult and avalanche-risky SW ridge, reaching the lower summit (6,030m) on the fourth day, desc Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Universities East Greenland Expedition

Ref: 86/14
July - September 1986
Lewis Jones with Duncan Bond, Greg Englefield and Jim Lowther
After making first British ascent of Mt Forel by the S ridge (used by Roche in /938), this four-man team continued into the largely unexplored country of Schweizerland by the Franche Comte Glacier. On Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Sunderland East Greenland Expedition

Ref: 86/07
July - September 1986
Baden Burns, Richard Emerson, Clive Horton and Neil Scott
After a four-day storm in the first week out, this four-man team abandoned their objective of the SW face of Laupersbjerg in favour of Rodbjerg, an attractive red-rock peak, on 16th September Glacier. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Andean Expedition to Cordillera Huayhuash

Ref: 86/27
July - August 1986
John Nixon with Tim Relton, Jeff Thompson, Bob Knapp and Ian Saville
Despite alarms from 'Shining Path' guerrillas, this party made a first ascent of P5,514m (by E buttress and E face) in the Suiroraju group. They also made the second ascent of Suiroraju itself (5,439m Read more