Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

China Caves: Guangxi Team

January 1988
Andy Eavis co-ordinating UK and Chinese teams totalling more than 30 cavers
16 British cavers working with 12 Chinese from the Institute of Karst Geology in Guilin split into three groups to explore the Tisu River, possibly the largest underground river in the world; also the Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Andes: El Altar, Ecuador

Ref: 88/08
December 1987
Jeremy Cole with Charles Grey, Walter Phipps, Mark Cadman, Phill App, Paul Caldwell and Chris Barrie
Poor weather and general alteration in snow conditions prevented this party from achieving their aim of climbing El Obispo. They were limited to an attempt on an ice route on the SE face of Monja Gran Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Exercise Karnali Quadrant - Nepal

Ref: 87/31
October - November 1987
Captain TJB Cannon, Second Lieutenant MF Harding, Doctor DLP Teague, K Teague Esq, Miss K Letts, Bombardier ER Smith, Bombardier J Egerton, Lance Bombardier G Bearpark, Lance Bombardier, G Lakin, Gunner TH Phipps, Gunner CJ Thorne, Gunner V Little, Gunner M Harrison, Gunner MJ Huggett and Gunner GR Smith
The object of the 15-member team from the 47th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, was to explore the remoter parts of the upper Karnali valley in NE Nepal. In fact they walked from Pokhara by way of Jum Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Kongde Ri (Kwangde)

Ref: 87/23
October - November 1987
Andy Creigh with Chris Rees-Jones, Declan MacMahon, Bruce Baker and Marc Mumford
This five-man party abandoned the NE ridge of Kwangde Shar in face of bad snow conditions. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

China Caves: Guizhou Team

October - November 1987
Andy Eavis co-ordinating UK and Chinese teams totalling more than 30 cavers
This nine-man team explored underground sections of the Fala river in Guizhou Province, trained Chinese academics in modern caving techniques, instituted a programme of karst research with Guizhou Uni Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Altos NE Ridge of Everest

Ref: 87/37
September - October 1987
Doug Scott and Rick Allen, Nick Kekus, Sandy Allan, Robert Schauer, Steve Sustad, Mike Scott, Sharavati Prabhu with Sherpa Nima Tamang
This fourth attempt, sponsored by Altos Computers, on the 'last great problem' failed to complete the NE ridge. Despite severe snowstorms and very high winds, Doug Scott and Rick Allen pushed as high Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

'Jade Venture': Xixabangma

Ref: 87/25
September - October 1987
Henry Day leading a team of 30 from the UK, Honk Kong, US and China
This strong team succeeded in forcing the difficult route up the E side of Pungpa Ri (7,486m) to make the second ascent of this peak, first by this route. After a retreat owing to severe storms, Venab Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Swachand Bamak

Ref: 87/24
September - October 1987
Simon Wheeler with Dr Mike Townend
Two members of this eight-man London Hospital team succeeded in the first recorded ascent of P6,465m to the S of Swachand Bamak in the Gangotri area. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Ama Dablam S Ridge

Ref: 87/17
September - October 1987
Martin Mandel with Andy Cave, Henry Todd, Pete Swift, Burt Simmonds, Dave Green, Mac Battersby, Andy Perkins, Dr Jane Richmond and Dr Ian Barton from Britain
The team from this eight-member party attempting to make an alpine-style ascent of the SW ridge of Ama Dablam retreated at 6,400m in face of exceptionally heavy snow. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Karakoram Hushe Valley 1987

Ref: 87/16
September - October 1987
This two-man team made successful first ascents of 'Crested Peak' (5,560m) from the Buesten Glacier (tributary of the Chogolisa Glacier) and of the SE ridge of 'Raven's Pyramid' (5,300m). This involve Read more