Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Mulung Tokpo Expedition

After establishing base camp at the foot of the Mulung Glacier, the team ventured further in search of ABC. Establishing this at 5085m, they decided to switch from their original M15 objective due to poor snow conditions and lack of a close practical camp. Instead they turned to attempting Pk 5631 by its north face. Derek, Drew, Mike and Adele made the attempt but were turned back 300m from the summit by extreme cold and unconsolidated snow. Meanwhile Gus and Tony made the first ascent of Pk 5557 (Aari Dont, PD) by its NW ridge. This was repeated the next day by the rest of the team, with Derek and Mike climbing the short mixed NE ridge of the adjacent outcrop to make the first ascent of Pk 5537. Returning to base camp, the expedition was hit with a severe snow storm which crippled three tents and forced a retreat back down the valley.

August - September 2018
Derek Buckle, Drew Cook, Mike Fletcher, Adele Long, Gus Morton & Tony Westcott

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