Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Irish Kishtwar Himalayan Expedition

The team travelled by plane to Dehli and from there to Kishtwar via bus. From here they made their way to basecamp over several days. They were initially forced to abandon their plans for the Eiger due to the threat of avalanches on their proposed routes and turned their attentions instead to their secondary objective, Cathedral. They began their ascent in early morning on 22 June and made good progress up the initial snow gully to the mountain's shoulder. As the snow began to soften in the heat of the day, they dug out a bivi spot and settled down for the night. An attempt was made on the summit the next day but had to be abandoned when a suitable route could not be found to surmount the final 150m. With their proposed route on the Eiger still threatened by avalanches, they scouted a new objective; an unnamed 5700m peak. Two attempts on this were turned back due to poor snow conditions. With time running out, they made a last ditch attempt on a 5,000m peak above their base camp. Torrans, Latham and Lynam successfully reached the summit after two days of climbing and dubbed the peak Khel Parbat (Ibex Peak). This marked the first time an all-Irish party had climbed a Himalayan Peak.

May - July 1977
Calvin Torrans, Emmett Goulding, Anthony Latham, Joss Lynam and Clare Sheridan

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