Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Nanga Parbat 1995

For his third attempt to traverse the Mazeno Ridge to the 8,124m summit, the leader of this team adopted a novel approach - bicycles! They covered 152km in this way, including a crossing of the 4,080m Ali Malik Mar pass. Once on the mountain itself, Scott was unwell and so reluctantly withdrew. Those remaining climbed Mazeno 3, c7,000m and probably a first ascent, but with uncertain weather and time running out they had litle option but to retreat. They expressed the view that, while the ridge will eventually be climbed, a complete traverse to the summit of Nanga Parbat is unlikely in alpine style.

July - August 1995
Doug Scott with Sandy Allan and Rick Allen from the UK, Wojciech Kurtyka from Poland and Andrew Lock from Australia

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