Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Nanga Parbat 1992

A seven-man Anglo-Russian-Sherpa party planned to traverse the 8-mile long unclimbed W ridge from the Mazeno Pass to the 8,125m summit: half of the distance is above 7,300m. After placing food/fuel caches at 7,000m and 7,300m from the Hans Schell route, several members of the team were caught in a massive rock avalanche which caused injuries to two of them.
A reduced team of four commenced the traverse, and climbed over several of the pinnacles, reaching Pt 6,970 before abandoning the attempt owing to high winds. (See also 93/49)

July - August 1992
Mohammed Khan with Gulam Ali, Ibrahim, Serge Effimov, Alan Hinkes, Valeri Perching, And Phurba, Doug Scott, Sean Smith and Nag Temba

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