Assessing Glacier Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) Hazard and Risk in the Himalayan Water Towers
The aim of this scientific expedition was to install novel GLOF monitoring equipment and to collect key datasets to feed into GLOF ensemble modelling and quantifying glacier change in Lunana, Bhutan. The team found that Lunana was an incredibly challenging area in which to conduct fieldwork due to its remoteness, altitude and the density of local vegetation. As a result of these factors, as well as trouble sourcing approrpriate equipment, the expedition was unable to conduct its proposed surveying and mapping as planned. However, they were successful in installing monitoring of the moraine dams, temperature and water level monitoring in Thorthormi and Rhapsteng Tsho lakes and surveying the local population regarding flooding. The latter provided crucial information on responses to flood warnings and behaviours during flooding which will be invaluable to the team's modelling work. They were particularly pleased to be able to forge good relationships with the local community who will be helping them to gather data as the project continues into the future.