Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Westminster School East Greenland 1972

After initially being delayed in Angmagssalik for more than a week, the team's boat finally arrived and they were transported to Kangderlugssuag. This too took extra time due to the heavier than noraml sea ice. Here they undertook a programme of glaciological and botanical research, with a portion of the team making an inland journey during which they made the first ascent of Mitivagkat (2250m), ascending via a snow gully and the west ridge with difficulties up to Scottish I/II and alpine AD sup.

July - September 1972
Major E. R. D. French, W. S. L. Woolley, M. C. Burns, Dr. N. N. W. Padfield, C. D. Campbell, C. D. J. Kessler, C. J. A. Lyne-Pirkis, U. J. Moore, D. J. Newman, P. J. S. Nicol, P. J. Robinson and L. A. Wilson

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