Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Sersank Expedition

Sersank is a 6050 m peak at the head of the Sural Valley in Himachal Pradesh. It was approached over the Rhotang Pass from Manali to Sural Butori, followed by a two day trek through the Sural Valley to base camp at 4390 below the South Sersank Glacier. They spent five days climbing the North Face of Sersank, and a further two days completing the route to the summit and descending to base camp via the South Ridge and South Face Glacier. The route included rock buttresses covered in powder snow, steep ice climbing and easier mixed climbing, at up to Alpine ED2 and some pitches of Scottish 5. They experienced poor weather during acclimatisation, but exceptionally good conditions during the ascent.

September - October 2016
Mick Fowler and Victor Saunders

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