Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Scottish East Greenland 2003

On completion of expeditions to the area in 1997 (MEF 97/15) and 1999 (MEF 99/16) these regular 'Greenlanders' showed amazing confidence in caching their pulks etc. at the edge of the ice cap for return visits, thus saving the problems (and costs) of re-importing each time. After being dropped by helicopter and confirming equipment serviceability, they set out on a return journey of 150km to visit four specific areas previously identified, hoping to attempt six key first ascents. However, conditions in 2003 were found to be very difficult, with deteriorating weather reducing daily distances to 3-5km, and at one stage they were tent-bound for six days. As a result, although five peaks were climbed - three being first ascents - these did not include any of their intended major objectives.

June - August 2003
Malcolm Thorburn with Douglas Campbell

Other expeditions nearby