Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

R.A.F.M.A Himalayan 1955

This expedition of the Royal Air Force Mountaineering Association set out to explore the Spiti-Lahoul watershed where it runs north-east from the Kulu border toward the Kanzam La. Difficult conditions, with large quantities of snow underfoot, prohibited access to the Spiti valley and the expedition relocated to the Kulti valley. Here they climbed several peaks and conducted a survey of the valley which helped to provide a more accurate map of the area. The expedition is also notable for its discovery of "yeti footprints", an incident that drew a great deal of attention despite Smyth concluding that they had likely been made by a brown bear sighted later near camp.

May - June 1955
A. J. M. Smyth, Dan Stewart, Don Bennet, Lester Davies and a large team from the RAFMA

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