Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Southern Ocean Mountaineering Expedition

Ref: 90/01
December 1989 - February 1990
Julian Freeman-Attwood with Stephen Venables, Brian Davison, Lindsay Griffin and Cornelius 'T Hooft
This five-member team explored the Allardyce and Salvesen ranges in South Georgia, succeeding in their objective of a first ascent of Mt Carse, also first ascents of Mts Vogel and Kling and some unnam Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Winter Taboche Expedition

Ref: 89/43
November - December 1989
Roger Chippendale with Richard Emerson, David Etherington and Jorg Schneider
All members of this British-West German team (three UK, one German) succeeded in the first ascent of Taboche (6501m) in Sola Khumbu; two by the SE ridge on I I December; two by a new route on the SE f Read more

Map of Expedition Reports


Ref: 89/51
November 1989
Paul Ramsay with Joel Creed, Ian Whitehead, Lynn Evans, Nicola Legg and Michael Bassett
This six-member scientific group carried out a study of phytosociology and the morphological assessment of plants of the paramo in the areas of Laguna Estrallada and Lagune Verde in the Sangay Nationa Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

UK-New Zealand Lobuje East

Ref: 89/38A
October - November 1989
Julie-Ann Clyna, Martin Hair, Roger Payne and Howard Simpson
After climbing the S ridge to the false summit (6,070m), this four-member team made an extensive reconnaissance of routes on the W and E faces. Ice conditions caused them to abandon a new route on the Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

South Patagonian Ice-Cap Expedition

Ref: 89/25
October - December 1989
John Garner with Andrew Dell and Bruce Jardine
This three-man party did not achieve their main objective of a return crossing of the S Patagonian ice-cap (Chile), between latitude 51°S 51°10'S or toreconnoitre the Cerro del Diablo, but they did su Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Manaslu SW Face

Ref: 89/35
September - October 1989
Mark Dixon with Neil Thomas, John Eraithwaite and Adrian Parsons
This lightweight attempt by two climbers established Advanced Base at 4,350m, fixed ropes up the rock pillar to 5,200m, and from a bivouac at 6,500m attempted to push along the horizontal ridge to the Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Scottish Garhwal Expedition

Ref: 89/21
September - October 1989
Richard A Napier with William G H Johnstone, Chris G Roper, Elvyn Haigh, Dr Rona E Patey and Anil Joshi
This four-member climbing party attempted the first British ascent of Bhrigupanth (6,772m), in the Gangotri area, by the SE face, but turned back at c5,900m in the couloir below the S col. Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Langtang Lirung

Ref: 89/16
September - November 1989
Jim Atkinson, Andy Creigh, Steve Howard, Ian Johnson, Declan MacMahon, Jan Pietrzkiewicz, Chris Rees-Jones and Peter Williams
This eight-member party laid determined siege to the formidable SE ridge of Langtang Lirung (7,234m). One member succeeded in the first British ascent (sixth in all) by this ridge; two others reached Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Manaslu NE Face

Ref: 89/11
September - November 1989
Adrian Burgess with Alan Burgess, Andy Lapkass, Paul Moores, Peter Nichols, Chris Treese, Jim McEachen, Ken Torp, Pete Athans, Steve Matous, Ron Matous, and Dawa Nuru Sherpa with Pinzo Sherpa
This 13-member party climbed in independent groups of two or three. Heavy snow throughout September made the face avalanche-risky. After establishing Camp 3 at 7,700m under the ice cliffs, two groups Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

London Nilkantha Expedition

Ref: 89/55
September - October 1989
Duncan Tunstall with Andrew Bond, Paul Allison, Jim Nonnemaker, Chris Tauber, Chris Pateur, Jacquie Sread and Joan Tunstall
This eight-member party approached Nilkantha from the S by the Panapatia- Bamak valley to attempt the unclimbed SE ridge but turned back at Hoom owing to snow conditions. They also reached 5,500m on P Read more