Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Expedition Reports

Every MEF-supported expedition is required to submit a report to the foundation. We have archived these reports so that they can be of use in research and the planning of future expeditions. Listed below are summary pages for every expedition that the MEF has supported with links to their complete expedition reports. Expeditions can be refined by geographical area and purpose, browsed using the map below or searched using the search box.

1780 Expeditions found

Results per page:

Map of Expedition Reports

Women’s Wakhan Corridor

Ref: 11/22
July - August 2011
Ms Pat Deavoll with Ms Chris Byrch
Koh-e-Baba-Tangi (aka Jade Peak, 6516m) is the highest point in the eastern sector of the Afghan Hindu Kush, and was first climbed in 1963 by an Italian team via its West Ridge: all subsequent attempt Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Tajikistan & Afghanistan First Ascents

Ref: 11/18
July - September 2011
Becky Coles with James Kitson (also Mark Redhead in Tajikistan only)
Strictly speaking, this was two expeditions running back to back. The first part was in Tajikistan, where the team hoped to make the first ascent of the last unclimbed 6000m peak in the little visited Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Kyrgyz Djangart

Ref: 11/17
July - August 2011
Richard Tremellen with Alex Brighton (UK)
The Djangart region is a sub-range of the Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan, midway between Inylchek Glacier and the Western Kokshaal-Too, and has a number of unclimbed peaks c 5000m. This team hoped to climb a Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

KCLAMC Sarychat/Fersmana 2011

Ref: 11/14
July - August 2011
Gareth Mottram with Charlie Evans and Edward Lemon (UK) plus Hannes Granberg from Sweden (SE)
This was a follow-up to an expedition in 2009 [reference 09/27] which was dropped off 25km short of the intended spot in the central part of the Western Kokshaal-too., and thus forced to waste valuabl Read more

Map of Expedition Reports


May 2011
Graham Zimmerman (NZ/US) with Mark Allen (US)
This team planned an exploratory climbing trip in the Central Alaska Range. From the Kahiltna Base Camp, they skied 27 km up the previously unexplored North West Fork of the Lacuna Glacier (south of F Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Cordillera Oriental

Ref: 11/16
May - June 2011
Matt Balmer with with Dan Fitzgerald and James Wake (UK)
Although first climbed in 1957, Huaguruncho Chico (c.5300m) apparently still awaits a second ascent, so this team hoped to achieve that by completing a route on its South Face previously attempted by Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Yukon Expedition 2011

May - June 2011
Glenn Wilks with Jonathon Wakefield (UK)
This 2-man team was making a return visit to the Yukon with the hope of exploring and making first ascents of peaks of 3000m to 4000m close to the confluence of the Walsh and Denis Glaciers. Unfortuna Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

Glacier Bay Climbing Expedition

April - May 2011
Dr Paul Knott (UK) with Vaughan Snowdon (NZ)
Mount Orville (3199m) is a fine looking peak rising from the Johns Hopkins Glacier, and although it was once climbed from the south, the climbers who made the ascent were killed while descending. This Read more

Map of Expedition Reports


Ref: 11/11
April - May 2011
Andy Houseman and Nick Bullock (UK)
Kyashar (6769m) – previously known as Peak 43 – lies above the village of Tangnag in the Hinku Valley, and its summit was first reached in 2003 via the West Ridge and Face. In 2010, Houseman attempted Read more

Map of Expedition Reports

British Hayes Range

April - May 2011
Guy Wilson with Chris Johnson and Neil Warren (UK)
This team hoped to make the first ascent of the west ridge of Mount Hayes (4216m), the highest peak in the remote Eastern Alaska Range. However, when they arrived in the area and discussed their plans Read more